LONG weekend

Oct 16, 2006 21:37

I'm SOOO tired! I got home from work today around 1pm and slept until 7pm. Didn't leave my dark bedroom until after 8:30 to finally eat because I had neglected the need for fooood all day in favor of sleeping. Yay for sleep!!

Faire was sooo fun. lol.. I'm really glad I was able to make it out for one more weekend. :) Getting there was an adventure in itself. And driving out all LOOPY from being way past exhaustion was hilarious. Those will be some fun memories: 'Hey Wesley--remember the time the lady at Denny's cut me off from coffee?? I thought this only happened in bars!!' :)
Thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome from the get-go. Not to mention giving me a "goddess-complex". lol.. Yes. I love people at faire. They make me feel gorgeous. heheheh.. *sigh* Back to reality? Crap. That wasn't supposed to happen. lol..
I still think us "bloomer yeomen" should have mass-wooed our favorite Irish pirate. lol.. That would have been sooo fun!
One thing I do wish is that I'd had someone take a picture of me Saturday night. hehehe.. Considering I changed out of my hotness as soon as I got back to the tent because my legs *may* have been frozen numb. But I felt really cute!! hehe..

Anyway. I'm off to sleep--again! hehehe.. Who says you can't catch up on sleep through stockpiling mass amounts of hours in one or two days?? :)

Good night!
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