The Weekly Haul - 12/29/10 - What comics I picked up this week and why.

Dec 29, 2010 16:25

The last visit to Austin Books of 2010 today. So how did I end the year in funny books?

Action Comics #896 (DC) - Paul Cornell continues to knock it out of the park with his excellent run examining just what makes Lex Luthor tick. The Jimmy Olsen second feature is also a fun read. Perhaps my favorite mainstream DC title of the moment.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes #2 (Marvel) - All ages title based on the cartoon series currently running on Disney XD. Picked up a copy to see how it matches up to the animated show (which I've recently started to catch up with).
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #2 (DC) - The cartoon series continues to be an absolute blast, and these tie-in all-ages style adventures are often just as much fun. Although not sure why this title went through a "re-launch" last month as there is no discernible change in style, content or format.
Batman: Dark Knight #1 (DC) - The overdue launch of the newest Batman title by David Finch. Never the quickest artist around, adding scripting chores to the mix means this book is almost doomed to shipping delays from the start. having said that, on a quick flick through the art looks dynamic - so I hope the story holds up too.
Detective Comics #872 (DC) - Great to see DC's flagship book returning to its titular roots under the new creative team of writer Scott Synder and artist Jock.
Captain America #613 (Marvel) - I've been dipping in and out of this book over the last few years, the individual stories are often strong but somehow it never hooked me enough to make it a monthly book. Trying again with the start of a new story arc.
Jack of Fables #49 (DC/Vertigo) - The penultimate issue of my pal Matt Sturges' fun filled and absurd (in the best sense) trip through the many lives, and lies, of the fairy tale Jack.
S.H.I.E.L.D. #5 (Marvel) - The thinking man's back story to the creation of the modern Marvel Universe. The gap between issues makes it sometimes difficult to pick up the threads of this densely plotted series, but each issue is a reward in itself. I hope that when they do a trade collection of this series if comes with annotations and notes.
Thunderstrike #2 (Marvel) - An exercise in sheer nostalgia here, as I have fond memories of enjoying the original series and this next-generation style revival is looking interesting.
Widowmaker #2 (Marvel) enjoyed the first issue of this Black Widow/Hawkeye/Mockingbird mini-series enough to pick it up again.


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