Haven't done this in a while, but let's take a look at the stack of comics sitting on my night stand, thanks to the fine folks at
Austin Books:
- Amazing Spider-Man #647 & 648 (Marvel) - after a couple of weeks on the road I'm catching up on what is probably one of the consistently best superhero titles on the stands at the moment.
- Avengers Prime #4 (Marvel) -The best of the various Avengers books currently being published. Alan Davis art is always a sure winner.
- Batman #794 (DC) - It isn't often the main Bat-title is under the care of a single writer/artist - I'm interested to see how Tony Daniel will handle it.
- Batman: The Return #1 (DC) - With a creative team of Grant Morrison and David Finch this should be a solid read.
- Batman Incorporated #1 (DC) - I must admit I don't like this idea of franchising out the Batman persona - but I'm curious to see how Grant Morrison handles it.
- Captain America: Man Out of Time #1 (Marvel) - Mark Waid's run on the mainstream Cap title was the last time I read it on a regular basis, so I'm happy to see him writing the character again.
- Knight & Squire #2 (DC) - Despite my misgivings about the Batman Inc. concept, I'm loving this uniquely British spin on the Batman franchise written by my friend Paul Cornell - this is "Carry On Batman."
- Northlanders #34 (DC/Vertigo) - This great historical series continues to deliver strong story telling every issue.
- The Last Phantom #3 (Dynamite) - This is turning out to be a very interesting take on The Ghost Who Walks.
- Soldier Zero #2 (BOOM!) - another interesting take on the superhero genre from Paul Cornell.