Meeting the day before school (before Bruce's talk)

May 01, 2011 00:23

 Damian walked slowly up to the address on the paper from the computer. He had to make sure he wasn’t going soft, that all this schooling wouldn’t leave him an ordinary boy. If Father wouldn’t train him till he went to school, he would have to make sure that the one person who could make Mother fear would be of help to him. He had to ask for her help.

Besides, Cain was an excellent model to base his behavior on. She had left the League and had pleased Father to adopt her and had resumed an ordinary life. Damian knew he would be forced to make a choice, reject his mother’s life or reject his father’s life. He needed as much information as possible about every choice if he was to make the right one.

He hadn’t had much interaction with Cain, but he was her foster sibling of sorts. She did have some sort of obligation to assist him. He was a bit worried around her, she did exceed his ability in martial arts and she could read his body language. He would have to be cautious.
Knocking on the door, he hoped she was home.

(BL-nervousness hidden by arrogance, curiosity, holding himself cautiously, and alert)
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