Father of mine (After Timmy and Damian stop talking)

Mar 28, 2011 00:51

Of course, Damian's good mood faded as soon as he found a note in his father’s handwriting waiting on his desk. “An apology letter to Comissionor Gordon.” He reminded himself that Fake Drake had said his father loved him, but he was still stung by the treatment.  He had nothing to apologize for. Well, perhaps the fire but he wasn't going to admit to that.  Still, he had no wish to make things worse. Damian sat down and began writing.

"To the honorable Commissioner Gordon and his lackeys, I humbly apologize for throwing your undercooked, fit for dog food on your filthy walls. I thank you for saving me from a threat I could have easily handled. Sincerely, Damian Wayne"

Lying wasn’t something his father wanted him to do, and Damian wasn’t sorry at all. He had rather enjoyed throwing the food and he couldn’t say he regretted it at all.  Perhaps a back up note, when his father found it unacceptable.

To the honored Commissioner Gordon, I send apologies for anything you deem wrong.
Thank you,
Damian Wayne

It would have to do. Having finished his task, he decided to do something enjoyable. Accessing the computer in his room (horribly parental controlled, of course) Damian downloaded a copy of his new school's plans. Printing it out, he began studying it's weak points. So easy to destroy, if need be...

damian wayne/robin, bruce/batman

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