You have reached the Wayne residence...

Feb 13, 2011 17:24

We regret that there is currently nobody available to take your call. Please leave a message at the sound of the tone and we will be sure to contact you at the earliest convenience. Thank you, and good day.

The posh English voice ceases, to be followed by an annoying beep. Gordon sighs. Bruce. Jim. We've got a kid in custody, claiming to be your son. If you could...


Mr. Wayne, it's Commissioner Gordon. We've picked up your son. No, not Dick. No, not Jason. No, not--how many Robins does a man need?

Scratch that.

"Mr. Wayne? Jim Gordon, here. Could you please call me on my direct line, 555-2666? There's a..." he stops, trying to find the right word. Blast. "...situation," he finishes.

He feels like he should add something else, but for the life of him, he can't think what. The machine beeps a warning. He's paused too long. It'll disconnect in a moment.

He hangs up before that can happen.
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