Edit Just learned that Kickstarter doesn't allow alcohol as a reward for funding. So, since IndieGoGo apparently has no problem with Devil's juice, I'm going with them. Anywhere I wrote "kickstarter" cross that off and write IndieGogo. Thanks }:>
I'm mulling funding a wine tasting that I'll run (eventually) with a kickstarter. I don't want to just ask for donations, I want to give people something to buy no matter how much dinero they pitch my way.
Possible Wine-Tasting-Kickstarter products for different price breaks. PLEASE chime in with suggestions, modifications!!
$1-5.00 One wine pairing or selection* $5.01-10.00 Two wine pairings $10.01-15 Three wine pairings, etc.
$20 entry to wine tasting (date TBD, will be set before Kickstarter launch)
$50 wine tasting & guided tour of a wine depot and a blind bottle taste with moi**
$75 wine tasting, depot trip plus blind taste of two bottles**
$100 three course meal with pairings for four***
$125+ tasting and specially devised wine experience
Incidentally I think I'm going target $200. Not sure if that's ambitious or low. Feels ambitious. We'll see.
*A pairing would come about by the customer giving me a setup to match a specific wine to. My response will be in writing (likely sent via email) and not just a dry suggestion, but a writing exercise worth the time it takes to read. Ex. A bowl of egg and veggie mix with sweet Thai glass noodles. "The overall flavor character of the dish is important, so the most important word in the description here is "sweet." And I'm glad because spicy noodles don't go well with wine, so thanks, Flor, for saving me work! (You're welcome, Flor!) Too sweet, like a fruit-forward white will battle with the essential flavors of your dish, making them both a bit bland in your mouth. Have you ever tried drinking a Coke with a slice of chocolate cake? Both end up tasting bad because the sugars fight each other. Too big and dry like a syrah and the wine will overpower your noodles and you won't taste your dish. So I suggest a very well balanced claret, also known as a Bordeaux blend. Coppola wineries makes an excellent one in their Diamond Collection. Enjoy!
* A wine _selection_ would be a little different. This option is geared for people who don't quite know what they like but want me to point them in a particular direction. The client sends me a few notes on what they like drinking/eating/tasting and I give a suggestion for a wine to try out the next time they're at a good wine bar. Not just for wine newbs, this can also be an attempt to find a new style, such as a bold Israeli wine, or jolly, semi-sweet Hungarian wine.
** Higher price breaks are me being a bit hopeful and, more or less, covering my bases (if there's a $60 contribution, it could be three entries to the tasting or maybe it's one $50 plus two pairings). Now, guided tour ain't that fancy, I'll just take the client to the closest wine depot I know of (which may not be that close), to show off the many different options of wine that won't typically be found at BevMo and at much nicer prices than the usual boutique. We'll pick up a bottle of something unknown to the both of us and repair to somewhere we can taste it and take its measure at our leisure!
*** Oh yeah just fooling around here. I doubt anyone will buy in for this (and I forgot to note that it includes entry to the tasting), but if someone wants to go nuts, I'll go nuts with them! I like cooking. But no promises that the meal will be anything more than a workaday meal by a food-fan. No Michelin stars here, I'll just do my best to make it tasty and non-poisonous. We'll work out how/when/where and for whom (I'm not counting myself as one of the four).