Jul 29, 2010 21:54
Spent last week researching like a mofo. In one week I was hunting down as many resources as I could on: the geography of Wallowa, Oregon, the Nez Perce Indians (their religion, philosophies, culture, everything...but it always came back to Chief Joseph and the Flight), modern details of the area - climate, population, ecology, geographic details, etc, psychology of memory and mental and biological factors in retaining and losing memories, amnesia, wilderness survivalism, search and rescue processes and protocols especially in Oregon, rock climbing and emergency evac from mountainous areas. And anything else I could think of.
The idea is that it was research dramaturgy. Normally dramaturgy is looking into the dramatic structure of a play and supporting the director in creating a production that goes from the author's original work to something that truly comes alive on the stage. But this time the project a theatre company i'm hoping to join doesn't need that as much as they need hard research. Kay... not a big problem. It was just a really broad number of subjects in a compressed amount of time.
so.. that was last week.
This week I meant to get back to normal things, pushing along with my life, reinventing, yadda, yadda. But on Monday my mom found that the tenants of the Dear Old House that I Grew Up In had completely ditched the house and just left it to a friend - not on the lease - to hang out in it. Their lease ends Saturday but they're long gone and left a HUGE FUCKING MESS. They had two dogs. The inside of the house smells like dog and the carpets are coated with hair. The backyard is a minefield of doggie bombs. They must have left in a hurry because there was food in the kitchen rotting away. The power was cut off some weeks ago. EAch of the rooms had trash that we had to clear out. But they must have been preparing to leave because they didn't leave furniture or much clothing. But...argh.
So we've been cleaning like crazy. For the first two days it wasn't horrible. I mean it was annoying, it was My Dear Old House and they trashed it! and from the caked in dirt, pretty much never cleaned. I can only hope we can actually clean the carpets, but I feel skeptical. But today I was getting actively more annoyed, clearing out rat crap (there's a rat now - figures with the food they left out), cutting myself on chipped glasses, and getting *really* cranky about having to throw out things that are still serviceable but that I don't need and know even Goodwill would never take them. I don't like throwing things away. But they aren't useful at all. Argh.
there's still a lot more work to do, so I'll have to get back to it tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. I'm all out of alcohol at the homestead. Feh.
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