I've let a couple days pass since Sautrday before trying to explain just what went down. And now I'm stuck thinking it's maybe not that big a deal. To the best of my knowledge no one went to the hospital. No one got arrested.
It's just... Never figured I'd see the day (ok, night) when my sister - 5'3" maybe 150lbs - would take on a guy easily a foot taller with 70lbs+ on her. And she stopped the motherfucker for sure. She could have choked him out but decided not to. Earlier she had been saying the difference between the two of us... well she used explicit terms for body parts. Going forward I think I'll go with I'm the brains and she's the brawn. That's hilarious, see, if you've ever seen us.
Meh. so. It rained like crazy on Saturday night. And I had to stage manage a play instead of going to my sister's birthday party. The play event was a little nuts. I had to clean up the theatre from a staged reading earlier in the day and there was a lot of food and beer left around. With the rain the actors were late and stressed out and couldn't hang out outside to blow off steam and/or smoke. We barely got everyone inside and in costume with just ten minutes to curtain. We shoot for opening the house at a quarter of but I've always considered that funny, hopeless target. We always have way too much to do in the house and I hate banishing the actors to their shoebox of a backstage while two or three earlybird audience members hang out (probably outside when it's not raining). But this time the earlybirds were pissed off at being told to hang out outside in the rain (ah storefront black boxes), so as soon as the stage was presentable I let them in.
Right away other logistical issues reared their ugly heads. There is stuff we leave outside like the concessions table and a few chairs. But with the rain we needed to put them somewhere else. That was a a fun spatial relations challenge, given that there is NO ROOM inside for the crap we need and all of the seating we've promised (on a true sold out night late people get *extremely* shitty seats). Fortunately, as
adularia would tell you, I'm good with furniture Tetris. Then there was all the rain water that was getting tracked in, locating a spare bucket for umbrellas and convincing patrons to give 'em up.... Yoy.
It wasn't until I could finally get the door closed, seated everyone and got the friggin play going that I realized I was the person in the theatre with the most authority. EEP. It feels terrific to sell out a house (not spectacularly difficult with our terribly limited seating), but fuck getting a thick knot of people to behave is hard. Weirdly, once they got quiet...they stayed quiet. The play, i'll admit, over all can be a bit of a downer. But there are some very silly moments, funny lines and bits that are just so rediculous they cry out for a reaction. So it's weird to know there are more than a couple dozen people watching but not hear a peep from them. i kept double checking to make sure nothing was going wrong onstage, but I'm pretty sure it went according to plan. They were just a really quiet house. Friday night had been a *tiny* house, less than half the seats filled, and still they managed to more boisterous. Well fine.
Eventually it all ended, I cleaned out the house and called my sister to see if the party was still going. Didn't want to get there just to find the place dead. She insisted it would carry on for a while so please to come over! HEaded on down to find a bunch of her boyfriend's punker friends (and him and my sister) good and drunk. this was a little after midnight so I couldn't really blame them. I wasn't going to try to catch up. Just chill a little bit. It's just that punkers and I don't tend to get along well. Mostly we're decent at ignoring each other. It's not that we get on each other's nerves exactly, we just don't have much in common, save for some musical interests. The thing I really don't understand - and I think it's just a wiring thing, something related to personality differences - is getting more amped and angry as one drinks. When I drink I find any edge wearing off. Stress ebbs, anger dissolves. There have even been times when I wish I could sober up so I had something solid to put my back to because drunk I can't seriously deal with a problem. I don't understand drinking when it increases internal pressure.
Eh, so anyway. Sister's boyfriend's best friend lost his shit, started swinging and friends yelled for my sis while others tried to pile on the dude. Aside from my sister and I there was one other girl in the apartment. The other eight or ten people were men and aside from sis's best-gay-friend-forever, they were all fairly macho. But it was my sister who dove in, put this guy who looks a bit like Mr Clean, if Mr Clean were a tall Ultimate Fighter, in a chicken wing hold and wrapped his legs in hers till all he could do was fall over.
It wasn't funny, really, watching my sister drop a huge guy. It was a little stomach churning, actually. And Ana *did* end up with a fat lip for her trouble. But fucking hilarious was listening to all the macho guys during and after. During were all the shouts of "Ana, you a woman! If he hits you it's gonna be ugly!" Afterwards it was a good five hours of "You gotta understand, where I come from a man hits a woman and then it's on! I woulda had no control, I woulda had to be in there, fuckin shit up!" And the unintentional comedy award goes to....
(Not hilarious was the smashed front window. I can only hope Mr Clean can get it fixed...assuming he got home alive after finally getting talked down and leaving the party.)
From then out I silently put myself on mother hen duty, keeping breakable or flammable things from the drunk people - which was everyone else. I chatted when there was a subject to get into, but this was more of a crowd interested in recounting other fights, drinking bouts and (becaue why not) sexual exploits. Afraid I don't have much I really want to add to such conversations so I was a little without personal entertainment. But nothing else broke or caught fire until everyone finally left.