Apr 18, 2006 12:58
I have bed bugs. I resemble the guy off 'There's something about Mary' who smells mary's shoes and gets welts all over his body and his eye pusses up and he nervously scratches throughout the movie. Thats me. I went to the chemist and I told the lady I was itchy and she asked if it was an alergic reaction to something and I said no and she said well here is some cream for your crabs. I told her that I didn't need it for 'personal use' and that I had bites all over my body and she threw up a little in her mouth and said i should stick with the crab cream.
Hmm... what else... I just ate lunch, I'm dieting. Since my last entry about being a fatty boomba it was brought to my attention by Joshua (the old south african guy who told tanya shes hot like barbara strisand... I dont know how to spell strisand) that I am fat. Yesterday in front of the whole lounge room he asked if I was pregnant, I said no I'm not pregnant, that would just be my fat gut that you are referring to. He then went on to tell everyone that there is no need for a 15year old to be carrying that much weight and woman shouldn't be fat. I hate him and I hope he dies.
Does anyone feel like sending me some cd's. Like maybe wolfmother, hilltop hoods, the grates... just a thought.