im bored, and have nothing to

Oct 20, 2006 23:04

The Basics
Name: Dustin
Nickname(s): by my aunts, dewdad.....long story, dont ask
Screen Name:
Age: 18
Age You Act: depends?
Age You Wish You Were: 21.
Hair Color, Short or Long: brown(sometimes blonde) short right now....and i hate it
Eye Color: blue/green changes depending on alot of different things
Height: 6'
Current Location: Scottsburg, In
Birthplace: Columbia, S.C.
Male or Female?: male
Dig the Dudes, the Chicks? or a lil of Both?: chicks

Random Things
What room are you in right now?: computer room
Where do you wish you could be at this very moment?: Anywhere but here.....
Want to be with anyone in particular right now?: Yes, but im not going to say....
Last time you cried?: im beyond crying anymore.....
Last time you laughed?: about a hour the band bonfire
Ever been drunk so drunk you had to have help walking?: not that i recall.....
Done the drugs??: yea
Are you a virgin?: Nope
Do you like virgins?: why does it matter if they are or not?
Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or w/ your worst enemy?: alone, which its looking like im going to be for a while......
Do you have any enemies?: im sure i do
What are their names?: i dunno
Why dont you like him/her?: i dunno
Do you talk trash?: not really, sometimes i guess
Are you mean or nice?: can be both, depends
Were you popular in school?: Not really
Played any sports?: band count?
Do you text or talk more?: Talk
What's your biggest fear?: feeling like this forever.....
Greatest strength?: i dont really know
Greatest weakness?: again, i dont really know
What do you do on the weekends?: well, now that bands over, i dont know.......
Ever been hopsitalized?: not really, been to the hospital, several times though
Ever been in a fight?: Yeap
Been beat up?: no

Let's Talk About Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv
Status: single
Are you crushin on anyone?: kind of.....
Do they know it?: I think she does, not that it really matters.....
What do they look like?: She is beautifull
Longest relationship?: almost 3 years
Shortest Relationship?: not sure....
Ever been in an abusive relationship?: depends on what you call abusive......(no, i have never, and would never hit a girl, so dont even think that)
Ever been in love?: thought so
Or is Love just a crock of shit?: No
Are you more fun or serious in relationships?: extremly serious, but still have fun....or try to
Are you ready to settle down?: yes, i hate pointless short term relationships......
Believe in Love @ first sight?: kinda....
Name of best bf/gf?: -
Name of WORST bf/gf?: -

More Random Crap That I Forgot To Ask
Ever kissed a friend?: Yeah
The farthest you've ever gone on a dare: i dont know
Places you've visited: about 12 different states.......
Place you wanna visit: Germany
Do you think you can dance?: No
Are you happy with yourself?: not really
Anything you would change about yourself?: Yeah
If you go back, what day would you go to?: i dunno
Any piercings?: left ear, gauged to half an inch, right ear is a 8 gauge, and i just took out my eyebrow ring
Any Tattoos? as soon as i get the money
Do you date a lot?: not anymore....
Believe In God?: yea
Yay Bush or Nay Bush?: dont really care one way or another....
For or against war?:depends on the situtations....
Is there anyone you wanna hurt?: Yea
Do you think you're scary?: can be
How would your friends describe you?: stupid
Do you have a dark side?: more then anyone could ever imagine
Are you selfish?: i dont think so, but i have been told i am, so sure
Who was your first kiss? courtney howard, and second grade
First love?: Ashley Vernon
First hate?: not sure, i have hated many people
Happiest memory: haha, me happy? did that ever happen????
Saddest memory: to many to name
Do you smoke?: No
Drink?: Yep
Last lie you said: i have no idea, to tell you the truth, i dont lie
Last word you said: yea
Last thought you had: I hate my life
Dream Job: working on computers
Gone out on a pity date?: no
Ever stolen anything?: Yea
Does anyone have a crush on you?: i think so....
Ever Broken Any Hearts?: I guess i have(although i doubt it)
Had your heart broken?: yeap
Ever cried so hard you couldn't breathe?: Yea
Ever laughed so hard you cried?: Yea

Opposite Sex: What do you prefer?
Hair color? Long or short?: doesnt matter, and long
Eye Color: doesnt matter
Thin, Toned, Muscular, Fat, Average: Average
Care if they smoke?: i dont like it, but im not gonna leave them for it
Care if they drink?: Nope


Here we go...
Deleted 1-7 'cause they were repeats
8. Ethnicity - White
9. Parents still married? - Yep
10. Siblings - 2 sisters
11. Closest sibling - Kristen
12. Current best friend - Mitch
13. Childhood best friend - Colton
14. First Crush - Ashlee Collins
15. First boyfriend/girlfriend - actual girlfriend? to were we went on a date? Afton Butler
16. Most recent boyfriend/girlfriend - Jenna
17. Still talk to your ex's? - somewhat
18. Favorite Song - dont have one
19. Favorite Color - black, red, silver, blue
20. Favorite day of the week - Saturday
21. Favorite Word - dont have one
22. Favorite saying - fuck you
23. Favorite singer - I dont have one
24. Favorite band - Rammstein
25. Favorite car - Corvette
How old was your mother when you were born_ i think around 25
Whats your confirmation name(if you have one)_ dont have one
Whats your shoe size_ 13
Is your hair soft_ extremely
Are you toes long_ sure
Do your feet smell_ Not really
Do you have big toenails_ sure
Do you wear a watch_no
Do you have big lips_ No
Do you have abs_ No
Do you get bad cramps_ no
Do you wear green thongs_ every day.....NOT i dont wear thongs, i have green boxers though, does that count?
Can u speak spanish_ no
Do you have po-por-ree in your room_ No
Are your carpets stained from random things_ dont know, my carpets
How bout your bed sheets_ no
How many pillows are on ur bed_ 1
Do you have any allergic reactions to anything_ wasps
Do you get allergies_ yea
Do you like ketchup chips_ What?
Do you like sheep_ do i like sheep......? what the hell kind of question is that?


Are You Single? yea
If not, who is your bf/gf?
How Long Have You Been Together?
If You're Single, Do you Like It? no, i hate it, expecially right now, cause i love the fall....
Ever Kiss in the Rain? Yep
In a Movie Theater? Yep
Underwater? yea
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? No, and never will/would
Been Cheated on? Yep, more than once
Used Someone? No
Been used? i dont know
Lied to your bf/gf? No
Ever Made out With Just a Friend? Yeah
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? No
Are You a Tease? i dont know?
Do you Flirt a Lot? depends....
Longest Relationship: Almost 3 years
Shortest: dont know
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? no
Ever Get Flowers? no
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: the picture frame, with all the pictures of me and jenna, from jenna for valentines day, not that that matters now.....
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day? uhh, i guess valentines day?
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? No
Do you Believe in "The One"? haha, at this point....NO
Do you Fall in Love Fast? sadly.....
Are you a Player? No
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? No
Kissed 2 People At One Time? No
Had Sex with 2 People in One day? No
Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? No
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? Yeap
Ever Been Dumped? Yeap
Ever dumped someone? Yeap
Ever been rejected? No
Do you have a lot of ex's? Not really
Are you a slut? No
Ever been called one? Not that i know of
Ever dated someone more than once? Yea(sadly)
Do you ever make the first move? yea
Double dates or single? Single
Do you want to get married? yes

Can you drive? Yeap
Do you have a car? yeap
Do you have a cell phone? Yeap
Are you online a lot? Yeap
Do you like gay/bi people? they dont bother me
Can you speak another language? learning german
Do you do well in school? no
Do you collect anything? No
Have an obsession? not really
Do you hate yourself? yea, pretty much
Ever smile for no reason? sure
Talk to yourself? i talk in my sleep...does that count????
Do you have any regrets? several
Believe in magic? sure
Do you support gay marriage? Yea, its their choice, leave them alone
Sex before marriage? its up to the people
Do you trust people easily? yes, and it gets me in trouble alot....
Forgive easily? depends
Do you have a secret no one knows? i dont think so
Do you get along with your parents? sometimes
What about other people? mostly
How do you vent your anger? i just drive around
Do you like George Bush? no
Goal Before you die? Own a corvette
Do you play an instrument? - several

Are you...
A bitch? sure, why not?
A daydreamer? Yeap
Shy? yes
Talkative? Sometimes
Energetic? Sometimes
Happy? haha, i wish....
Depressed? yes
Funny? been told i am, so yea
Slutty? no
Boring? No
Mean? i guess i am....?
Nice? normally
Caring? yea
Trustworthy? Yea
Confident? not really
Friendly? sometimes
Smart? about somethings
Sarcastic? Yeap
Dependable? Yeap
Quiet? yea
Weird? sure
Adaptable? yea
Strong (emotionally)? sometimes
Strong (physically)? some what
Mature? yea
Logical? kinda
Religious? No
Modest? not really
Indecisive? yea
Sympathetic? kinda
Polite? yea
Creative? yea
Fun to be around? sure
Loveable? i dont know
Easily Amused? Yeap
Outgoing? Yea
Daring? Yea
Clumsy? Sometimes
Nosy? Yeap
Lazy? Yeap
Scary? to some people, i guess so
Optimistic? sometimes
Persuasive? sure
A good listener? Yea
Curious? not really
Determined? Yeap
Artistic? not really
Honest? Yeap
Respectfull? yea
Conceited? no
Cocky? No
Controlling? i dont think so
Playful? Yeap
Easygoing? yea
Carefree? kinda
Hot Headed? Yeah, normally
Serious? when i have to
Thoughtful? Yeap
Considerate? yes
Stubborn? Of course, its not fun, unless you are
Romantic? yes
Ambitious? Yea
Jealous? very much so
Insecure? yea
Obsessive? Sometimes
Attentive? ye.....wait, what were we talking about......
Helpful? yea
Punctual? Sometimes
Rational? kinda
Sincere? yes
Tolerant? Yea
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