as sent by kitty to me i spread the word:
Anybody out there heard about WWF's "Earth Hour"? It started in Sydney, Australia, back in 2007 with 2.2 million homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour to highlight the need for action on global warming and the seriousness of climate change. Following media coverage the simple event in Sydney in 2007 became a global affair in 2008 when over 370 cities and towns including many famous landmarks across the world, joined in for an hours blackout. This year WWF wants the event to become even bigger and really bring home to governments in every country that dangerous climate change won't just go away and something needs to be done now and not when it is too late.
8:30pm, Saturday, 28th March is the time and date for this years "Earth Hour". Sit on your own in candlelight or get together with friends and have a candlelit dinner party or maybe a storytelling session around the fire. There are various ideas for what to do (and how to raise money for WWF whilst doing it) on the WWF website where you can also register: for the UK and for international.