karibu zanzibar

Dec 02, 2008 17:49

mambo everyone! or chiao as i'm now in paje in a lovely hotel run by italians.
am on zanzibar as you mighht guess. lovely iseland and such a diffrent world then the main land!!!
had a lovely time shopping yesterday spending far too much but hey got some yule presents out of the way too and got some bling for myself :)
today we went on a spice tour and oh my it was awesome!!!! saw pepper and vanilla vines growing in a symbonic relationship around trees. saw cadamon, clove, cinamon, ginger, lemon grass, cloves :) had spice tea :) :) yummy yummy in my tummy i say. then had jackfruit, finger banana, pine apple, mango and green orange :) all good.
now i'm parted from the rest of the guys as they stay on the north beach while i'm here on the east beach. but paje by night (my hotel, http://www.pajebynight.net/) is sooo lovely. well i shall go snorkeling tomorrow and otherwise just read a book and relex :) not talk to anyone for a change :) not long to go and i get to see my man again :) :) :) 
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