Aug 03, 2005 14:20
why is it i can feel love....and yet know that i might never have it....why is it i try and try for nothing....i want love so bad that i would be willing to let others have it...i would be willing to let someone else take the love away from me and still be happy......this fear, this hate,...this love, its all apart of me....why i feel these things i dont know...why i bother trying to figure it out in my head i know not nither....they say...its better to loved and lost then better to not have loved at all....its a lie...sometimes its better to not have know love because then you dont have to feel the other pains of it....the pains of hate, remorse, sorrow, jeliously, all of them....but yet theres always good sides to, happyness, bliss....(sigh)...why...why do i say why MUST i say it because im in love....not just that i love someone that im in love with them....why do i always rack my brains trying to solve things that are not ment to be know....why is the sky green, does the chicken come be for the egg or the other way around, was there realy a cosmic blast that started the univers or did "god" just go click (acts like turning on light) what did realy happen why do things happen...what are we ment for....were we just a science experiment gone wrong...or right....did "he" mean for us to evolve the way we do. or will "he" just get pissed off and put us to same one day...or set us in another point of conflict..."he" is the one who should be down here with us....them mabye we wouldnt have wars..."he" just like watching us kill eachother i thing....i thing "he" gets off on it sometimes....i dont just a man who is confused about his world.......just let me rant...ill be fine