Dec 19, 2008 19:46
The E-Smoke finally arrived yesterday (it was hiding in the mailbox, I was expecting UPS).
All I can say -as an immediate impression- is "I am soooo done with smoking cigarettes."
The "smoke" the device puts off tastes great, drags nicely, doesn't stink at ALL (heck, it actually smells pleasant), and is consistent in flavor and vaporization.
Right now I'm utilizing the Coffee flavor, and I have to say it's excellent. It's just enough scent/flavor to give the impression and it doesn't leave an aftertaste (much less one that would make me cut out my own tongue).
I've taken at LEAST sixty "drags" so far, and it's still going strong -it definitely requires a few drags to start tasting the flavor consistently, but that's literally the only non-stellar quality.
It weighs about as much as a sturdy fountain pen, and it's made of what seems to be enameled stainless steel. I purchased the red pen/blue LED variant, and I couldn't be happier... I haven't even so much as looked at a regular cigarette all day.
Bonus points for the fact that it's faaaaar less expensive than cigarettes, even in the short term.
Only possible gripe I have is that it didn't come with the "pen clip" as advertised, but I plan on contacting them about it an a few moments.
I'll give a more comprehensive and detailed review on my new "E-Smokey Treats" nicotine inhaler later, as I have company over at the moment!