I finished
Transgressions by Erastes. Another M/M Romance. It was fun. I enjoyed the turmoil of the love and the angst it caused and the coming together at the end.
Tomorrow is my day over at
dc_fireplace. A day where I get to show why I love Dean/Castiel so much. Look for graphics and a story coming soon to this space. I am excited. I am also excited because there is a new Supernatural on this week! Yay!!!! I can't wait. I have mostly loved this season and I am really looking forward to more. There is only one more non!Castiel episode of doom and after that, he is IN EVERY SINGLE EPISODE UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON!!!!! I'm sure I will enjoy the last non!Castiel episode of doom as I have enjoyed them all.
I want to make more art for tomorrow. I wish I had something ready that I could post every hour. Though that might bore people after a while.
Now it is time to eat ice cream even though it is so late.