Friday night

Oct 09, 2009 21:40

What is wrong with me? I went from not wanting to sign up for any other challenges for now to signing up for two! I am insane and I can't even keep up with my own insaness! (not really a word but so what)

I already started the first story. It feels harder to write for some reason these past few days.

I talk about this way too much here, but it's what's on my mind and this is for fandom and fandom is my happy place. I feel silly for feeling like I should justify when I know I don't need to. But anyway, my brain is set to crazy these days it seems.

So I signed up to write an AU, and to do a Supernatural Mini NaNoWriMo for November. Crazy! I have that other story which I only just finished the first draft on and now I've started two others. Insane! I think it must be an illness. Must-write-slashy-porny-gay-sex-fan-fictionitist(tm) or something like that. Even if I don't post what I write (which sometimes I don't) I still seem to need to write! And write and write. *sigh*

I have some insane plots I want to write too! Seriously insane that I don't want to write but probably will end up writing.


I'll instead write here about something other than those things like what I've been watching. I like having on demand TV because I got to watch the first few episodes of Criminal Minds. Mr. Goth is convinced Hotchner was raped by George Foyet played by C. Thomas Howell.

The first episode of the season stared Christopher Cousins who starred in Bedtime Stories as Dr. Garrison

William Sadler was on this week's episode. The sheriff from Roswell.

Many familiar faces are making an appearance on this show.

I also watching the first episode of Cougar town (stars Busy Philips from SCC and that chick from friends) and I'm ashamed to admit that I laughed my ass off. And today while my son was at school and after I'd written as much as I was going to write, we watched Pineapple Express which was hilarious.

And happy birthday to eggblue! I hope it was a fantabulous superfun day!
Whew and that's it for now.

supernatural, criminal minds, tv09_10

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