Fiction: Punish Sinners - Supernatural - Sam/Castiel - NC-17

Sep 28, 2009 08:22

Title: Punish Sinners
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Category: Angst, First time
Notes: Thank to lola_thursday and Alee for the beta help. 2,800 words. Please read and review. exclamation marks accepted. For hils.
Warnings: Spoilers for season 4.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is the property of Eric Kripke. No infringement is meant.
Summary: Sam feels lost. Castiel saves him and gives him what he needs most.

Punish Sinners

Punish sinners.

The words echoed in his mind as the man towering above him punched Sam in the face again. Sam fell back, allowing his body to go limp. He'd gone on the hunt alone, knowing that if he were to get into a situation just like this one, no one would have his back. Knowing the risk he was taking walking into a situation that had the potential to go south he still went. Bobby would have helped but Sam didn't want Bobby. Sam wanted Dean. As the demon straddled him, Sam smiled up through blood-soaked eyes.

"What the hell are you smiling for?" the demon asked, just before a hand pressed to his forehead and bright light, accompanied by screams, filled the air. The man fell to Sam's left, eyes blackened. Sam looked up into Castiel's sorrowful gaze. Sam took the offered hand and cringed when his arm was almost wrenched out of its socket.

"You should be more careful," Castiel said. Sam was standing on his feet now, glaring at Castiel, shaking his arm. Fuck, that hurt. The angel obviously didn't know his own strength, or maybe he did and he was punishing Sam. After all, Castiel was Dean's friend.

"I'll remember that next time a demon ambushes me," Sam said as he walked to the door. He needed to get out of Dodge fast before someone reported the sounds of fighting. Someone had to have heard that last crash. Even if it was late at night, the motel parking lot was filled with cars. Sam had followed the man from a bar after he'd seen his eyes go black. He'd hoped to gain some information that could help in the fight against Lucifer, but clearly that wasn't happening tonight.

As he walked across the parking lot to the car he'd jacked a few cities away, Sam noted that Castiel was following behind him. He paused to spit blood on the pavement and stare at the angel, who had stopped a few feet behind him. Castiel tilted his head to the side and stared at Sam, a typically neutral expression on his face.

"Go away," Sam said with a wave of his hand. He unlocked the car door and slid behind the steering wheel, thankful there was enough legroom, unlike the stupid Impala where his legs were practically around his ears when he sat down in the thing. When he turned to look, Castiel had vanished. Sam started the car and pulled out of the parking lot almost running over two guys. They shouted colorful language at him, and Sam gave the finger, muttering a fuck you as he drove away. He glanced in the rearview mirror, seeing for the first time the damage the demon had done to his face.

"I was hoping you could help me," Castiel said beside him. Sam was too tired to be startled by the angel's sudden appearance. He took his eyes off the road long enough to glare at Castiel.

"You must have mistaken me for my brother," Sam said. He spun the wheel to take a sharp left. Castiel remained immobile in his seat and Sam noted that he'd even put the seatbelt on. Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head. He could see Castiel trying to puzzle it out. "I'm not your bitch," Sam added, leaning toward Castiel and staring him straight in the eyes while they were stopped at a red light. With a flutter of wings, Castiel was gone. Sam breathed a sigh of relief. Fucking angels all sucked.


He'd parked the stolen car in Bobby's driveway and gone inside to clean up. Dean hadn't asked. Sam hadn't volunteered an explanation. He walked up to the second floor and closed the bathroom door behind him. After washing his face, he stared at his reflection and it stared back at him, as though mocking him. Lost in thought, Sam jumped at the pounding on the door.

"Hey, are you going to be all night?" Dean shouted as he continued to pound.

Sam turned the tap off. He wanted a shower. He needed a shower. Every muscle ached and his wrist was still throbbing from the beating he'd taken. The knuckles on his right hand were crusting over with dried blood. It was the demon's blood, and his own blood had dried on his neck and chest. He also needed to change his shirt. Sam clawed at the buttons to open the shirt, ignoring the pounding on the door. It stopped and Dean was silent. Sam imagined his brother walking away with a shake of his head. Dean was probably wondering if Sam had given in to his demon blood lust. A lump formed in his throat at the thought.

"I'll be right out," Sam finally managed. Sam could take a shower later. He opened the door to find Dean leaning against the wall, looking almost as weary as Sam felt. Sam slid sideways to let Dean pass, and for just a second he was sure Dean would say something, but then the moment was gone. Dean barely glanced at Sam before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

Sam trudged to the spare room. Usually when they stayed at Bobby's, they would share the room. They would stay up to all hours of the night, talking strategy, or just plain shooting the shit about nothing. But lately Dean had taken to sleeping on the sofa. Sam collapsed on the bed and sighed as it sank beneath him. He heard the door creak as it opened, and there was a light tap against the wood.

"I thought you could use something to eat," Bobby said.

Sam lifted his head and turned to find Bobby standing in the room with a plate. He could smell the meatballs, and his mouth watered. When had he last eaten? He barely remembered. Sam sat up and took the offered food, setting the plate in his lap. Bobby sat down on the bed beside him, staring down at the floor.

"Thanks, Bobby," Sam muttered, feeling a pang of guilt that he hadn't thought to feed himself, that he'd left it to Bobby to correct yet another of his mistakes. He took a big bite out of the sandwich and before he knew it, he'd wolfed the whole thing down.

"I could get you another," Bobby said. "There's plenty." The sound of a throat being cleared interrupted them. Sam looked up to find his brother standing in the doorway of the bedroom. Sam stood up with the plate in his hand.

"Thanks, but..." Sam began to say.

"Sam's a big boy," Dean said with a sardonic tone. "The last time I checked, he could feed himself."

Sam clenched his jaw, biting back the first remark that came to mind, and shouldered his way past Dean. He was glad that they didn't follow him as he made his way down to the kitchen and set the dirty plate down. He turned on the tap and washed the plate, placing it in the drainer. When he turned around, Dean stood in the doorway watching him.

"How did the research go?" Sam asked, just for something to say.

"Fine," Dean said with a shrug. "It might have gone better with you here."

"You don't need me," Sam said, "Last time I checked, you could read." He regretted the words as soon as he spoke them out loud. He wasn't in the mood to get into this now. He wanted to go back upstairs and take that long hot shower. His skin itched from the dried blood, and he felt filthy in more ways than one.

A deep sigh broke the silence. Bobby stood behind Dean shaking his head.

"We should all get some sleep," Bobby said, breaking the silence.

Sam nodded and walked past Dean, heading back upstairs to get that shower. There were no comments or quips this time. He closed the bathroom door behind him and started to strip. The hot water felt good against his bruised skin. Sam stood under the spray leaning against the cold tiles with one hand as he ran his other hand through his hair. Blood swirled down the drain, and Sam shivered as tears filled his eyes. Instead of the slow shower he'd longed for earlier, Sam just wanted out quick, wanted to find his way to sleep where he could escape for just a moment Bobby's sympathetic looks and Dean's hard eyes. He shampooed his hair and soaped up his body, ignoring his half-hard dick. Once he was finished rinsing, he turned off the water and stepped out of the tub, wrapping a towel around his waist.

The bedroom was dark and empty. Sam could hear Dean and Bobby's voice carry up from the first floor. He couldn't hear what they were saying but the voices were raised. He closed the door to shut them out and turned to come face to face with Castiel, almost losing a grip on his towel.

"What do you want?" Sam said. When Castiel didn't reply, Sam trudged to the bed and sat down. He still ached all over, and his left shoulder throbbed from when Castiel had wrenched his arm. His wet hair dripped onto his legs as he leaned forward, rubbing his shoulder. Castiel walked to the bed and sat down beside him, too close for Sam's comfort, but Sam was too exhausted to care. His hand was nudged away and Castiel started to knead the stiff muscles. Sam let his hand drop to his lap as Castiel worked the soreness away. It felt fucking fantastic and Sam closed his eyes, sinking into the feeling of warmth building in his chest.

"I apologize for hurting you," Castiel said. Sam could feel Castiel's breath against his damp skin, and it made him shiver. There were times when it was so easy for Sam to forget that there was an angel inside the unassuming body. The gentle touch of those powerful hands belied the truth. As Castiel continued to massage Sam's soreness away, Sam leaned toward him and sighed. He was keenly aware that his dick was getting hard again, and he was keenly aware how wrong his reaction was to Castiel's innocent gesture. Sam silently willed his dick to go down.

"That's fine," he said, brushing Castiel's hands away. "Thanks. I feel much better." He looked into Castiel's eyes and had to look away. He didn't want or need pity.

"You won't always feel this way," Castiel said. He was still sitting too close to Sam and his leg was pressed against Sam's now. Sam hadn't even noticed when that had happened. The warmth he felt radiating from Castiel's body felt too good to give up.

Sam leaned his shoulder against Castiel's and bowed his head, staring down at his own hands. He felt so small despite the fact that he towered over Castiel in stature. Right now all he wanted was to shrink away. Then Castiel put his arm around him and pulled him in closer and placed his lips against Sam's forehead. All the hurt and pain and sorrow seemed to fade for just one brief moment.

"Thanks, Cas," Sam whispered. They stayed like that for awhile and then Sam pulled away to stare into Castiel's eyes, the realization that this angel was here comforting him, holding him and making him feel better. Sam leaned in close and placed his lips on Castiel's soft mouth, and fuck this was so wrong in so many ways, but right this second Sam didn't care. He just wanted.

Castiel placed a hand on Sam's face, tilting his head for a better angle as he returned the kiss.

"This gives you comfort," Castiel said more than asked. Sam nodded, their lips brushing together. He could feel the stubble, rough against his skin, and the sensation sent a thrill through his entire body. His cock was getting hard again and Sam grabbed Castiel by the shoulders and pulled him in close, kissing him harder on the mouth. He pushed his tongue past Castiel's lips and moaned against them as Castiel allowed him entry. His towel forgotten, Sam pulled Castiel up, still kissing him as they stood. He quickly stripped Castiel of his coat and jacket and tie and shirt, tossing each garment aside. When Castiel was shirtless before him, Sam pushed him to the bed and fell on top of him, no longer caring about anything but how good this felt. He devoured Castiel's mouth even as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Castiel wasn't passive either. He rolled Sam over until he was on top and then stood, staring down at Sam's naked body. Sam watched in silence as Castiel stripped the rest of his clothes off. When he was finished, he fell on top of Sam, pushing him against the mattress. Sam was pinned down and even if he'd wanted to escape, he couldn't break free of Castiel's grip.

"Yes," Sam whispered against Castiel's hot mouth. Sam's cock jumped at the touch of Castiel against him, and he was just as hard as Sam. Castiel gripped a handful of Sam's long hair in his hand and pulled his head back to devour his neck. He bucked up when Castiel bit down.

"Is this what you want?" Castiel mumbled against Sam's throat.

Sam could barely speak. He nodded as Castiel kissed him on the mouth, harder this time. Their eyes locked and Sam wanted to say the words but he couldn't. He couldn't ask, but he hoped that Castiel knew exactly what he wanted.

Their bodies slid together and Sam rolled over onto his stomach allowing Castiel to grip his hips and push him flat against the bed. He felt Castiel's hard cock nestled against his ass and his own cock jumped at the thought of being fucked. He thrust against Castiel, silently urging him with actions alone to do what he wanted.

"Yes," Sam said, turning his head enough for Castiel to kiss him on the mouth. Their tongues danced together and Sam shuddered at the feeling of Castiel's hand caressing his chest, and he pulled them both into a position so that Castiel could grip Sam's hard cock in one hand and stroke him from base to tip. Sam closed his eyes and moaned with each stroke. His body thrummed and when he came, he bit his own lip to stop from crying out Castiel's name.

Sam reminded himself to breathe as he came down from his orgasm. Castiel caressed his head and Sam could feel that he was still hard against him. Sam silently reached out to the nightstand for the bottle of lube that he'd left there from all his late night jerk sessions. He rolled over and concentrated on his task, ignoring the voice in his head that told him this was a bad idea. Castiel shivered when Sam touched his cock. The lube was cool on skin, and Sam slathered a generous amount on Castiel's length. He turned his back to him and said a silent prayer when he didn't have to explain with words what was to be done. Castiel pushed his cock into Sam, stretching him wide. Sam embraced the pain as Castiel thrust into him, chanting yes inside his head over and over again with each thrust. Sam closed his eyes and moved with Castiel's body, pushing against him. He held onto Castiel's arm as they fucked, pulling the arm up higher until it was across his throat. Sam flung his head back, their bodies rubbing together.

"Fuck," Sam whispered. His own cock was getting hard again and the feeling of Castiel's arm against his throat felt constricting, but Sam pushed harder until his air was almost being cut off. Castiel's stubbly chin scratched against Sam's neck and shoulder and Sam moaned with each thrust. Then Castiel pushed into him one last time before coming deep inside him. Castiel shuddered and moaned and pushed Sam into the mattress, releasing his grip on his throat as he collapsed on top of him.

This had to be a dream. This had to be some fucked up buried deep down dream, because there was no way this could be happening. Sam willed himself to wake up, but he remained as he was, covered in sweat, Castiel's naked body on top of him. When he moved slightly, Castiel slid out of him and settled down beside Sam, their hot sticky bodies still touching. Sam could feel Castiel's wet, spent cock against his thigh.

Then Castiel was caressing his head again, the touch so soothing.

"Tomorrow will be a new day," Castiel whispered into Sam's ear. "Then I will ask what I need of you. Now it's time to rest."

Sam resisted the pull, but his body and his mind worked against him and he opened his eyes long enough to see Castiel's hand move up to his forehead. He felt the fingers caress his skin and the darkness dragged him down. He was asleep before he could protest.


supernatural, fiction09, sam winchester, castiel

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