Fiction: Vacation - Dean/Castiel

Aug 03, 2009 23:33

This was for a quickfire challenge over at deancastiel but I'm a day late and a dollar short so I guess I'll post the story here. Hopefully somebody will read and enjoy. Please do.

Fandom: Supernatural
pair: Dean/Castiel
Notes: I got 5. Vacation (Just where will they spend it, hmmm?) Thanks to my beta read.
word count - 970
Category: humor
Disclaimer: Not mine. Eric owns them and I'm jealous.
Summary: Castiel takes Sam and Dean someplace quiet with no distractions.

The apocalypse was over. Dean tried not to think about the thousand or so people they never had a chance to save. He tried not thinking about anything other than the fact that he was ocean side at the beach. He leaned back and tilted his face to the sun. Sure this wasn't his usual way of relaxing, but Sam wanted this and what Sam wanted...

"This is very relaxing," Castiel said. He lay in the long chair beside Dean's, wearing nothing but bathing trunks that Castiel had picked out when Dean had taken him shopping.

"I told you so," Dean said, closing his eyes and slipping on sunglasses. There was a strange absence of babes in bikinis, but Dean was too content to care at the moment. They'd all lived. Castiel was fine and heaven was happy to leave him here on earth as Dean's guardian angel.

Castiel said hello to a few guys walking past. Dean cracked an eye open to note that the two guys were sure taking their time walking by. Castiel was sitting up in his seat. This should be amusing.

"You come here often?" one of the guys asked. He was tall with dark hair and well-built.

"I've never been here before," Castiel said. "It's quite lovely, but then every place on earth made by our Father is lovely."

Dean smiled as he watched the two guys suddenly lose interest and move on. He sat up straight and faced Castiel.

"You should totally use that line every time you meet someone new," Dean said, with a chuckle. Where were the bikini babes? Dean glanced around and noted that there weren't many people on this stretch of beach to begin with at all. They'd wanted someplace isolated and private, and when Castiel had zapped them there, Dean was content to not ask any questions.

"You're teasing me again," Castiel said.

"Got it in one," Dean said with a smirk, pointing a finger at Castiel. He noticed Sam in the distance. He was carrying a surf board and he was with some guy who also had a board. "What the hell is Sammy up to?"

"He's learning to ride the waves," Castiel said in a perfect imitation of his brother.

"Cool," Dean said, watching Sam with a smile on his face. "By the way, I didn't ask before but where exactly are we?"

"Some little islands you call Hawaii," Castiel said.

"Cool. Now, where are the babes?" Dean asked, rubbing his hands together.

They were interrupted by another guy. This one stood blocking the sun and held a pair of face-eater sunglasses in his hand.

"Say, are you two together? Because if you're not, I'd really like to buy one of you a drink," the guy said.

Dean glared at the guy. First of all, he was blocking their Hawaii sun, and second what the hell was with the crazy question?

"Yes, we are," Castiel said while Dean was still trying to come up with a response to the crazy question.

The guy pouted and flounced away. Dean watched his retreat and then turned to glare at Castiel.

"Where are we?" he asked again. "Something isn't quite right here. Where are the women?"

Castiel sat up now and faced Dean. "Sam wished that we would go someplace where you would not be bothered by any distractions."

Dean stared with his mouth open, waiting for an explanation that made sense.

"I wanted you to myself," Castiel said. "...with nothing to tempt you into abandoning me."

Dean stared with his mouth open. Castiel reached for his hand and held it as he stared into Dean's eyes.

"Will you date me?" Castiel asked. "I'm competent, I can fight demons, I already know your family secret, I know you better than anyone and I think we would make a valid pairing. We work well together. I have a pleasant figure that finds you highly attractive. There are three hundred and fifty two reasons why we would make a good couple."

Dean closed his mouth, but still stared. He cleared his throat and tried to think of something to say.

"Only three hundred fifty-two?" he joked.

"Make that three hundred fifty-three," Castiel said as he squeezed Dean's hand.

"You thought of another reason while we sat here," Dean said, still at a loss for something to say. Obviously Castiel had given this a lot of thought. "How long have you been...?"

"Sixty-three weeks, five days, ten hours and fifteen minutes," Castiel said. "I've been attempting to flirt with you and elicit a response for a few weeks now."

"That's what that was," Dean said, taking a deep breath. Castiel was still holding his hand and Dean's palms were getting sweaty.

"We only need to consummate the union so that I might prove to you that I'm perfect for you," Castiel said.

"Whoa, now wait up here," Dean said, pulling his hand from Castiel's grip. "There will be no..."

Dean was stopped from finishing his sentence by Castiel leaning forward and kissing him on the lips. The kiss was soft and tender at first. Too hesitant for Dean's taste, so he took over. He reached up and titled Castiel's head and kissed him slowly with tongue.

The clapping startled them out of their moment. Dean and Castiel looked up to find Sam with the surfboard guy. They were both clapping.

"It's about time, dude," Sam said with a smug smile on his face.

"That was so hot," the surfboard guy said.

"Perhaps we should take this to a more private venue," Castiel said and then suddenly they were no longer on the beach. They were in the middle of a warm forest and there was a bed. Maybe dating an angel wasn't such a bad idea after all.


supernatural, fiction09, dean/castiel

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