Fiction: Promises Kept - Supernatural - G

May 14, 2009 11:13

Title: Promises kept
Author: GothGirl
Rating: G
Genre and/or Pairing: Angst, hints of Dean/Castiel
Warnings: spoilers up to 420
Word Count: 1,400
Notes: Thanks to off_that_bridge for the beta help.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW. No infringement intended.
Summary: Castiel keeps his promise to protect Jimmy's family.

We keep our promises. That was what he'd said. He was here now to do just that.

The girl, Claire is standing outside. She looks frightened. The man in front of her is and is not a man. Castiel moves forward and pulls him away from Claire to place his palm on the man's forehead. He cries out and white light burns.

Then the night is silent. For one brief moment Castiel holds his breath, and then he has arms around him. He is taken by surprise. Claire hugs him close with her face pressed to his chest. He knows everything about her. He was there when she was born except he wasn't. He was there when she fell off her first bicycle but he wasn't. He was there and he was never there.

"Daddy," she says. She holds him tight, her warm body pressed close.

Castiel stares down at her and then looks over to the man on the ground.

"I am not your father," he says and as soon as she releases him, he is gone.


They fight. The battle wages and Castiel is here again. It is early in the morning, hours before most people are awake. There is a light on inside the house. Castiel has already dispatched the demon who thought to attack his family that is not his family. The girl is asleep in her bed and Castiel now stands in the dark corner of the room. She is dreaming of her father. In the dream she turns to him and asks him to stay. He changes the venue. They are at a lake. The sun is shining. Claire has her hair down with a pretty barrette to hold the bangs off her face.

Castiel smiles and gathers her in his arms, but it is not Castiel. It is him because this is his daughter and she is happiest when she is held by her father. They sit on a bench that wasn't there before, and stare out at the water, watching the distant sunrise.

"This is so beautiful, daddy," Claire says. She slides closer and clings tightly to him. Castiel is dressed in blue jeans and a t-shirt. Then the sun is up and they are blinded.

Claire sits up in bed and Castiel flies.


"You were in my dreams," Claire says. She stands in their kitchen. It is not night. It is day, and the battle to thwart Lucifer has been won. Castiel is here once again to keep their promise. His family must be kept safe. He tries a smile. She lights up and rushes forward to hug him. Castiel allows it because it makes her feel warm and safe and it gives him meaning for just this moment.

"I was not," Castiel lies. She squeezes him again and again.

"Don't leave," she urges. Her voice is desolate, and he knows what makes Claire cry.

"I won't," Castiel says.

"Daddy," Claire whispers, but then he is gone.


The battle is won. Dean stands in the cemetery, watching as smoke fills the air. There were too many casualties, but then there are always losses in any war.

Castiel places his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"They still try," Castiel says.

"Then we'll kill every one of them sons of bitches." Dean says it so casually, as though it were easy. To him it always will be and it never will be. He is a contradiction that Castiel has come to admire.

"In this I do not need your help," Castiel tells him. They turn to stare into each other's eyes, and Dean's eyes bare all. Castiel knows every word that is written on his soul.

"Tough," Dean grunts. "I'll always help you, him."


A month passes and the battle is still won, but the demons persist. He is here again at the house, but they are not home. This is a home and it is his home, but it is not. Castiel walks in. He knows every brick, and remembers when they painted the rooms together. They allowed Claire to choose the colors for her room. Castiel stands in her room, and stares down at the bed. He is sitting on the bed, holding Claire as she cries.

"When will I see you again?" she asks between sobs.

"Soon," Castiel promises.

The door downstairs opens and Castiel should fly, but he stands waiting. He does not need to be here, but this is his home and it is not his home. Something has pulled him here. He walks down to them. She stops and stares, mouth agape. Claire rushes forward and hugs him.

"Why are you here?" the woman asks.

"He's here to see us," Claire says with hope in her voice. She looks up in his arms. "Right, daddy?"

"Stop torturing us!"

Castiel flies.


The longer he stays in the vessel, the closer he becomes to him. His memories are intact and they are now Castiel's memories. They were always Castiel's memories.

Dean is asleep beside him. They have had relations twice since the confession of true feelings. Castiel watches Dean breathe. His lips are slack and Castiel thinks about kissing them and he thinks of Dean's soothing touch.

But he must go because there is danger.

Castiel finds the woman he has vowed to protect with a man and she is not in danger. She has moved on. He leaves before they see him, and he finds Claire alone downstairs. She is sad.

"Daddy?" It has been a year now. Claire lifts her head and there are tears on his cheeks.

Castiel reaches out and touches her face.

"There is no danger here," he says even as he feels her distress.

"Stay," Claire whispers. Castiel tilts his head. He should go, but something compels him to sit beside her and her arms are around him. He places a comforting arm around her shoulder.


"You have got to stop torturing that poor little girl," Dean says. He stuffs his clothes in his duffel bag and tosses it on the bed. Sam is out getting coffee.

"I must keep my promise," Castiel says.

Dean takes a deep breath. "I can do this for him," he says, pulling Castiel closer. Castiel does not resist. Their lips meet in a rough kiss and Dean's tongue licks at him.

"Yes," Castiel says because he can not deny Dean anything.

They are gone with a rustle of wings.

The woman is screaming as a man attacks her. It is the same man Castiel saw the last time he was here. He is no longer just a man. His eyes flash black and Dean rushes forward to pull him off the woman. Claire is on the ground unconscious.

"Get the hell away from her!" Dean shouts. The demon is across the room in the blink of an eye. Dean has the knife in his hand and in the demon's chest seconds after.

Castiel feels anger. It builds in his chest when he turns to find that Claire's limp body is held as a shield by another demon.

"I will kill her," he threatens.

Castiel lowers his head and stares into the demon's eyes.

"You will not," he booms with his true voice. The demon cringes in the wake. He drops Claire and tries to run. "You will not," Castiel says. His true voice shatters a window, and Dean and the woman cry out in surprise. Castiel rushes forward, oblivious to any but the demon before him. He steps over Claire's body and slams the man against a wall.

"You will not," Castiel says, lowering his voice. "You will tell all that this family has an angel on their shoulder and you will tell all that they are never to be disturbed again." Castiel places his palm on the man's forehead and with a flare of light, it is over in seconds.

He releases the empty shell, and turns to face the others in the room.

"They will not bother you again," Castiel says. He hopes his words are true.

He bends down and picks Claire up in his arms. He sets her down on the sofa and bends as she regains consciousness. Her blue eyes stare up at him, and she smiles when she sees him.

"You came," she whispers. Castiel stands and turns. Dean is beside him.

"I will always keep my promise," he says, and they are gone. He has just enough time to see tears brim in her eyes. Dean's hand is on his shoulder.

supernatural, fiction09, dean/castiel, castiel

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