Of shows and fiction and other things that don't go bump in the night.

May 07, 2009 09:08

We're planning to go see Wolverine and do some shopping and other stuff today while the boy is in school.

If you're looking for a challenge or want to set a challenge for Smallville fiction there's a comment fic meme going on over at old_school_clex


Go play have fun, or request something you'd like to see. I might writing something if the inspiration strikes.

This week all my shows have been great. Reaper was so filled with gay innuendo, I thought I was watching the wrong show. The episode started with the boys discussing whether it was gay to bang your own clone. I kid you not. The the devil talked about old fashioned games of ass grabbing. Very gay. I anticipate that the show probably won't go beyond this season so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

And Bones totally broke my heart by the end. I was stunned. I'm on the edge of my seat about what happens next. Booth looked so helpless when they were wheeling him into the operating room.

The most important thing about today of course is that it's SUPERNATURAL day!!!!! But before you watch tonight's episode consider reading my story that takes place right after episode 20. What may come never comes.

Have I said recently how much I love this season. I just love this season in general. There was only one episode that I didn't care for and probably will never watch again, but other than that, overall I think it's been the best season and not just because of Castiel. I just feel like Jensen and Jared are awesome this season. Sam is fantastic. I fall in love with Dean more with each episode. I'm impressed with how great it's been and I am so looking forward to tonight's episode. I can't even begin to say how much. Not as much as last week's but almost as much.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is the number one selling book at my work! Yay! Whew good thing all those copies I begged them to get will now sell. It's always hard to know how well a book will do, but I had a feeling this one would catch on. We also sold out of the Star Trek graphic novel within days of it being put out on the shelves. The movie got a rave review in the Star. I can't wait.

I'm considering making a new Castiel mood theme once the season is over. I'll have more images to work with and can make one for every mood. That is my goal eventually. It will take a long time because of how many moods there are, but I want try.

And I made a banner for my DW account.


tv08_09, supernatural, pimp, bones

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