
Feb 19, 2009 11:42

Obama is visiting us. We're watching it on the news. He just shook Stevies hand. And now he's signing the visitor's book.

I have a splitting headache. I've taken something but it's not helping. I may have to rest or sleep or something because it's hurting. My head is all hurty today! Wah! It feels like all I do is complain here. I'm sorry. I don't mean to.

I'm going to try to make some more Misha 24 caps today. I want to cap as much as I can before giving the box set back to my sister.

TV roundup

Last night I managed to catch Bones, Lost and Criminal Minds. All the shows were enjoyable. Bones was quite wonderful. Colin the intern is growing on me. He totally cracks me up. Lost continues to be good this season. So far this one has been the weakest episode. Criminal Minds was interesting. I do like the new guy though I guess he's not really the new guy anymore.

criminal minds, lost, bones

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