What I'm reading.

Dec 31, 2008 19:47

This is the last book of this year. I didn't read as many books as I had hope. 30 and I believe some were graphic novels, so they may not count.

The final book this year is No Dominion by Charlie Huston. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first book in the series, but it was still enjoyable. I like that the main character Joe Pitt is so fearless. He hates what he is, but that doesn't stop him from doing what needs to be done. Good read if you like hard boiled style.

We picked up some alcohol for tonight. We picked up two tins of Hobgoblin beer. They came with their own glass. Very cool.

This should be easy. The stories I wrote this year.

Feb. 1 - Hell nc-17 Spike/Giles - my first and only Buffy fiction. It got no feedback so I won't be trying that again.

Feb. 4 - Longing nc-17 Clex

Apr. 3 - Lex Luthor and the Purple Flannel Shirt or (The Clothes Make the Man) R clex

Dec. 2 - Close Your Eyes pg-13 Dean/Castiel - technically my second Supernatural fiction. Nobody really noticed the first one except Janet. I love this story because it broke my writer's block. I never thought I'd write anything fandom related again. Thank you new OTP.

Feel free to leave feedback. :)

Thank you cheights for the bottle of bubbly on my profile page. You are so sweet. Happy New Year.

I'm working on a Castiel Dean mood theme. Wish me luck. Any links to images of both these hot boys would be welcome. The more images I can draw on the better.

books08, writing

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