Fiction - Close Your Eyes - Supernatural - Dean/Castiel - PG13

Dec 02, 2008 21:14

Title: Close Your Eyes
Author: GothGirl
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Category: First time
Notes: Spoilers up to episode 04.10. Thanks to off_that_bridge and Alee for the beta help. Word count 1,400
Feedback: Yes please that would be very nice. Feedback is very much appreciated.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is the property of Eric Kripke. No infringement is meant.
Summary: Castiel wants to know what it was like.

He probably shouldn't have confided in Dean. His gut told him over and over that it had been the wrong move, but another part of him felt it had been the right thing to do. Now he sat on this bed in this strange town, unsure. He pulled his hand back again for the fortieth time. He had to resist. There was no other choice.

Dean lay just a few inches away lost in a nightmare not of his making. His brother, the boy with the demon blood, was fast asleep in the other bed. Castiel had made sure that nothing would awaken him.

Castiel sighed and pressed a hand to his forehead lost in the thought of images of broken wings. He reached out again, and this time he did not stop himself. Dean stirred and his eyes fluttered open. Castiel could see the nightmare just beyond that gaze as Dean froze when he realized he was being watched.

"What the hell?" Dean muttered. Dean's gaze trailed down to the hand still caressing his shoulder. Castiel slowly moved his hand away, and placed it in his lap. He would never get used to the host body. Touch was not the same. Nothing was the same.

Castiel wanted to shush him with one touch to his forehead, and send Dean back to sleep, this time a dreamless one, but that would be cheating.

"Another seal broke," Castiel muttered.

"That sucks," Dean said, blunt as always. Dean sat up and slid away from him, a look of suspicion on his face. "What were you doing just now, before you woke me up?" he asked.

Castiel swung his legs over and repositioned himself to lay down on the bed parallel to Dean. He didn't need to rest, he never needed to rest, but he'd discovered that this position felt comfortable.

Dean turned over onto his side and faced him, hitting his pillow a few times. They lay in silence for a while. Castiel concentrated on Dean's breathing and heartbeat, tuning out all other sounds. He wished that Dean would open his eyes and give him the chance to stare into them. He wanted to know what the human was thinking, but was unsure of how to form the question. How do you ask what it was like with Anna? The thoughts had consumed him so much that he'd begun to worry Uriel. It was unwise to worry Uriel. He would ask questions that Castiel could not answer.

"You're creepin' me out," Dean said without opening his eyes.

"Sorry," Castiel whispered, leaning in closer. He could smell Dean from this distance. The scent was intoxicating.

"If you're staying, you might want to take off your coat and jacket," Dean said after a long silence.

Castiel stood without hesitation and removed the clothes as Dean had ordered. Not that it was a direct order. It wasn't really, but Castiel was content at this moment to view it as such. He had yet to take off any of the clothing his host wore, but it seemed like a good cause. Once he'd disrobed, he lay back down and resumed watching Dean.

A few minutes passed before Dean cracked open one eye and squinted at Castiel.

"You've never done this before have you?" Dean asked. Castiel barely shook his head before Dean was sitting up and grabbing hold of one of Castiel's feet and yanking a shoe off to toss it over the edge of the bed. Once the second shoe had been removed, Dean lay back down this time on his back. He seemed to settle back down, but Castiel could sense that Dean was unsatisfied.

"Look, stop staring at me like that. I know what you want to ask," Dean finally said.

Castiel did not stop staring. He couldn't look away even if he wanted to. He waited to see what would happen next.

When Dean suddenly turned again to face him, Castiel resisted the urge to jump from the bed and fly. Dean reached out, hesitant at first then gripped the tie firmly to tug at the fabric.

"Nobody wears a tie to bed," Dean grumbled. "Do I seriously have to teach you everything?"

Was Castiel supposed to answer the question? He was unsure. Maybe he should, but what was there to say. Yes, please teach me everything. I want to know what it meant to feel.

Dean yanked the tie over Castiel's head and tossed it away. He unbuttoned the top button of the shirt, his hand grazing Castiel's chin and sending an electric shock through his body. A feeling of warmth like nothing he'd felt before spread through him. Castiel shivered, caught off guard.

"Much better," Dean muttered as his gaze fell on Castiel's eyes.

"What was it like?" Castiel asked this time without hesitation. Despite the removal of his clothes, Castiel felt warmer, and the heat settled in his gut and below.

Dean shrunk back, and glared. "Seriously, dude. I don't kiss and tell."

Castiel was relieved that Dean knew exactly what he meant. He watched Dean's mouth, the image of Anna and Dean kissing looped through his mind. When he looked into Dean's eyes what he saw made his heart thud in his chest.

"I've noticed it's… customary to close your eyes," Castiel finally said. "Why?"

"Close your eyes when..." Dean paused understanding seeming to dawn. "You mean when us humans kiss." Their eyes were locked, and Castiel could see a million emotions in Dean's stare. His heart thumped harder. "Most people do because..." Dean paused. "I can't explain it."

"Then show me," Castiel said and closed his eyes. It felt like he waited an eternity. He was sure that he had somehow insulted Dean. He opened his eyes to find that Dean was staring at him with wide eyes, his body suddenly tense.

"Dude, I can't show you," Dean said, his expression changing to one of obvious distaste. There was a long pause.

"I'm confused, I..." Castiel was cut off when Dean leaned forward and pressed his lips to Castiel's mouth. Dean's eyes were squeezed shut tightly. Castiel closed his and concentrated on the feel of cool skin pressed to him. His body was reacting in a way that Castiel had never dreamed of. Every part of him tingled and cried out for more.

Dean grabbed hold of Castiel's arm and pulled him closer, his head tilted and his mouth opened. His warm, wet tongue licked at Castiel's dry lips.

"Open," Dean whispered. His warm breath caressed Castiel. He tilted his own head and obeyed. He may have failed at beating Alistair, but Castiel was good at obeying an order. His heart slammed against his chest as Dean pressed closer. Castiel eagerly wrapped his free arm around Dean, unwilling to miss a single moment of this experience. It was pure exhilaration like nothing he'd ever felt before. A sound he'd never made escaped from his lips. He'd wanted to experience a simple kiss, but this was far from simple.

Dean slid a leg over Castiel, rolling him onto his back as they both moved. Castiel bucked up involuntarily, and Dean pulled out of the kiss. Castiel opened his eyes to find Dean staring down at him.

"Did I do it wrong?" Castiel asked as he searched Dean's eyes for a sign, any sign of why he'd stopped. Dean gulped and thrust his own hips against him.

"You're sportin' some serious wood," Dean finally said through clenched teeth.

"Is that a good thing?"

Dean started to laugh and shook his head, leaving Castiel feeling suddenly unsure of everything. When a hand slid down his leg, Castiel jerked up at the suddenness of the movement.

"It's a good thing where I come from," Dean said with a smirk and he kissed Castiel again. This time Castiel did not have to be told to open. His body responded without instruction. The kiss sent warmth and shivers through him all at once, and Castiel pulled Dean closer to press their bodies tight. This time he kept his eyes open.


supernatural, fiction08, dean/castiel, castiel

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