
May 25, 2008 08:18

Nothing to report. Still a bit sick, but hanging in there. I've managed to go to work and not throw up while there. There's a meeting today so I have to go. I'm working an extra hour, which means we'll have to leave earlier than usual.

I finished reading Supernatural Witch's Canyon, and it was fun and very enjoyable. It's an easy quick read. Issue four of the magazine came out. I've read through a few things. Lots of good pictures that I will scan for sure.

I also picked up my comics this week. So far they have been good reads. Particularly Superman/Batman 48. I love the ending when Bruce has dinner at the Kent farm and Martha tells him to eat his peas. Of course as always their troubles all come down to one man. Just guess who. Hint: he's bald.

Buffy 14 was good. Angel 7 was interesting. It looks like the next two issues of Angel will both come out next month. Angel 8 - June 18 - Angel 9 - June 25. Yikes.

I also picked up SFX magazine because it came with Doctor Who fridge magnets. Cool. Magazine prices going down is a bad thing for me. I've bought more magazine in the past few months than I've bought in the last five years. I have to stop.

books08, comics

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