Back home sort of

Aug 24, 2007 11:23

We returned from the official vacation a few days ago. It was fun. I enjoyed seeing different parts of our province. We're still living in motels. Our new place is officially ours and we can't move in until next week.

While on the road good net was hard to come by even when the motel we stayed in said they provided free wireless. I've taken a few pictures.

my son with a chipmunk

son with a tree

cheap motel we stayed in that was out in the middle of nowhere. Mr. Goth says it was haunted.

I look forward to moving into the new place and setting our things up. I grow weary of this nomadic life.

I've been reading Half-Blood Prince again. It's worth it since after having read the last book in the series I see all kinds of things I didn't recognize as being significant.

I also picked up Highlander S5 for only 30 bucks. I can't wait to watch those Methos episodes again. I just love him.

I was sad to see that a few people on my flist have deleted their journals.


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