Fiction - 12 - Cloak of Darkness - Harry Potter

Feb 21, 2007 10:24

Title: Cloak of Darkness
Fandom: Harry Potter
Sequel/Series: Battlefields
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Category: Dark Fiction
Notes: Thanks to marcasita and off_that_bridge for beta help. 2,400 words. All remaining blunders are mine. Previous parts are Here or Here
Warnings: Takes place after HBP
Feedback: Yes please that would be very nice. Feedback is very much appreciated. Pretty Please.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.
Summary: War changes you.

Cloak of darkness

Draco wasn't sure where they were anymore. They'd hastily moved from that other flat under the cloak of darkness. The new flat wasn't very big, and there wasn't much light. The windows were sealed shut with plywood, and the door had been spelled shut when Potter had left, leaving Draco alone in inky darkness. Draco was reminded of his cell. The dankness of the place left him chilled to the bone, and incapable of relaxing for more than a moment. Draco was overwhelmed with utter helplessness. It felt as though each second lasted a lifetime. The sun had set, it was dark now, and the new place was cold at night.

The building must have been abandoned, because there wasn't much furniture and the kitchen wasn't stocked. Draco had tried the switch to turn on a light, but nothing had happened. He muttered Lumos under his breath a few times, just to hear the word, but without a wand, there was no magic.

He wasn't even sure how long it had been since they'd moved, possibly a day or two, though it felt much longer. Draco wasn't really sure of much at all. One day he'd been kissed in the park, and now he was here.

There wasn't much to do at this new place. The cupboards were barren. There were no books to read, and this time there was no telly. He'd already examined every corner of the small rooms. The bedroom contained one musty bed with no pillows or sheets. There was only one blanket and he hadn't figured out what colour it was. The living area contained a small kitchenette with a three-legged table and one crooked wooden chair. The floors were warped and dusty.

He had paced in the small living area for what seemed like hours, wringing his hands nervously. He'd fretted that Potter would leave him in this horrid place for good. He'd even begun to convince himself that he'd die in this squalor. Potter could very well leave him here. It wasn't as though anyone knew about Draco and it would solve Potter's problem of what to do with him. A part of Draco hoped Potter would leave him here, but there was a growing feeling of desire and want that Draco constantly pushed to the back of his mind. It was all Potter's fault. Draco hated that small part that hoped. He hated Potter more for putting it there.

Draco was sitting on the sofa when he heard the doorknob rattling. He stood immediately and watched as the door swung open, his heart fluttering in his chest. Though he knew that Potter was the only one who could possibly walk through that door, his heart was still in his throat until he saw that it was Potter, and he looked a mess. He was also holding several paper bags. Draco quickly rushed to help Potter before they spilt all over the floor. To his surprise, Potter actually thanked him. It was barely a mutter and Draco wasn't sure he was meant to hear the words, but they were there.

"Bloody well took forever to get back," Potter said as they set the bags down on the small counter in the kitchenette.

Potter slipped out of his coat and dropped it on a crooked wooden chair. It was old and since one leg had snapped off, it leant against the table so that it wouldn't fall over. Draco noticed right away that Potter wasn't wearing his usual suit. He wore an old, faded blue t-shirt with equally faded blue jeans. Potter busily filled the small fridge and two lone cupboards with the food he'd bought, while Draco stood watching. Potter never liked it when Draco helped. He'd made that perfectly clear a few days before.

"I was starting to get worried," Draco said. Potter turned round and smiled, tucking his hands behind his back.

"That's rather almost believable," he said, too sweetly.

Draco took one step back and lowered his eyes. Since they'd been forced to change flats, Potter had been rather quiet. He hadn't touched Draco once. Draco hoped that meant Potter's spat of self-loathing or whatever that had been was over.

"You haven't been gone for that long before," Draco ventured. "I was worried," he added quickly, backing away as Potter moved closer to him.

Potter sighed. "I had a lot to take care of," he said as he stepped closer still. He didn't stop until he had Draco up against the wall. "No worries," he said, reaching out with one hand to plant it on the wall right beside Draco's head. "I'm here now."

"I wasn't that worried," Draco replied, unable to hide the slight quiver in his voice.

Their eyes met and Draco froze as he waited for Potter to make his next move. When he finally did, it wasn't at all what Draco had been expecting. Potter's hidden hand came up to reveal chocolate. Potter held the confection up in front of Draco.

"I got you something special," Potter said with a gleam in his eye. He stepped away from Draco, giving him plenty of room to move, and held the chocolate bar out. He motioned for Draco to take the bar.

Tentatively, Draco reached up and took the offering. "Thank you," he whispered.

Potter spun round and moved back to the counter, pulling take-out food from the bags and setting each paper container on the counter.

"I hadn't much time, so it's take-out, I'm afraid," Potter said as he opened up the cartons to reveal greasy fish and chips. Unsure what else to do, Draco sat down on the lumpy sofa and stared down at the confection he still held in one hand.

"It's... fine," Draco muttered, eyes still focused on the candy Potter had got for him.

"Is it not to your liking?" Potter asked. Draco looked up to find Potter staring at him, paper plates of fish and chips in each hand.

He shook his head. "It's perfectly fine," Draco said loud enough for Potter to hear.

Potter stood staring at him for a moment, a blank look in his eyes, and then he flopped down beside Draco on the sofa. Their thighs brushed as Potter squirmed and settled in beside him, placed one of the plates in his lap, and handed the other over to Draco. Draco took his plate and set it down. The food was still warm, but no longer hot.

"You should eat it," Potter finally said, "or you could wait until after you've eaten your dinner."

They ate in silence and Draco didn't share his sweet. He hesitated before taking a first bite. Potter sat watching without saying a word. Draco snapped it in half and handed it to Potter. The surprise in Potter's eyes was gratifying. Draco watched as Potter gobbled his down, and licked his fingers clean. He ate his own piece slowly, savouring each bite.

"Thanks," Potter mumbled with his head lowered.

Potter looked rather pathetic at that moment. An uncomfortable silence fell between them. Draco could hear his own heart beating against his rib-cage as the moment stretched on. He leaned forward and hesitantly kissed Potter on the lips, unsure how his gesture would be received. Potter's lips tasted like chocolate and Draco couldn't stop himself from licking at them.

Potter lifted his head, a confused look on his face. "Why'd you do that?"

Draco shrugged, "To thank you."

Potter seemed to take the explanation in stride, and continued to eat his meal. They cleaned up in silence and sat back down on the sofa. It felt as though hours passed with neither of them speaking one word. Draco started to nod off, no longer able to keep his eyes open.

Potter nudged him when Draco's head fell against Potter's shoulder for the fourth time.

"I think it's time for you to get to bed," Potter griped, elbowing him repeatedly in the side until Draco had no choice but to get up. He rubbed the spot Potter had been poking, much too groggy to say anything. As he moved to the bedroom, Potter stood and followed him. They stopped in the entryway and Draco stared down at the pathetic excuse for a bed. At least it was better than the floor. He'd grown so accustomed to unsavoury conditions that only now did Draco realise with complete distaste that he no longer cared where he lived or slept. It was revolting. How had this happened?

He tried telling himself it was just circumstances and that once all this was over, he could embrace his former lifestyle of wealth and luxury, but Draco knew the truth. He would be lucky if he survived to his next birthday. If the Ministry had found their location once, they could find it again.

Lost in thought, Draco walked over to the mattress and sat down. He barely registered that Potter had closed the doorway, plunging the room into darkness. Draco lay down and settled in, hoping to get at least some rest. The bedsprings creaked as Potter joined him. Draco had made the mistake of lying down on his side. With Potter right behind him, he shivered at the thought of how vulnerable he was in this position. The bed was barely big enough for them both, and Potter kept shifting, causing the bed to rock and bounce. It was irritating and just as Draco was about to tell Potter to knock it off, he felt a hand on his hip. Draco went still, even holding his breath.

"This is a bit cosy," Potter whispered into his ear. Potter's breath was warm and sent a shiver through Draco. The hand on his hip curled round him, and squeezed Draco's hipbone. Then Potter was shifting again, moving in closer to press right up against Draco. Draco could feel the heat from Potter's body, and the distinct bulge that Potter pressed up against Draco's arse. He rubbed against Draco and moaned in his ear, licking it with a wet tongue.

Draco shuddered. It was dark and he couldn't see a thing, but nonetheless, Draco squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He hoped that closing his eyes would somehow make it stop, but as with all his hopes lately, this one was dashed. Potter rubbed against Draco again, his hand groping. Potter was turning Draco round and climbing on top, before Draco could fend him off. In the dark, Draco opened his eyes. He still couldn't see. Not that it mattered.

"I know you want this," Potter mumbled as he crushed their mouths together and pushed his tongue past Draco's lips. Draco didn't even bother to struggle. He wrapped his arms round Potter's neck and gingerly kissed Potter. His body felt on fire and the feel of their erections rubbing together even through fabric sent thrills through him. They tore at each other's clothes, tossing them aside as they went. Then Potter was flipping Draco on his stomach and licking down his back. His rough caresses moved from his shoulders to his back then finally down to his arse, hands spreading his cheeks wide as Potter licked and thrust with his tongue.

Draco cried out with pleasure, shocked at the wonderful feel of something so dirty. Potter plunged his tongue in over and over with each startled cry from Draco, and sped up his thrusts when Draco cried out his name.

Then suddenly Potter was gone, but that lasted only a moment. Draco whimpered. His own hard length was trapped underneath him, friction from his movements sending delicious thrills through him. He wanted to grab hold and wank, but Potter had other plans.

"Lumos," Potter muttered. Draco jumped at the sudden light above him. His heart was pounding in his chest as he tried to turn his body round. Still pinned under Potter, he could barely move enough to see that Potter was holding his wand just above Draco, leering down at him. "You make a rather pretty sight," Potter drawled.

He put his wand down on the small bedside table, the light barely illuminating the room. There was just enough to see that Potter wasn't wearing his glasses and his chest glistened with perspiration. His wet lips curved in a knowing smile.

"I want to see you when I shag you," he said as he lowered his head to kiss Draco on the lips again. His mouth tasted different, like sex. Draco kept his eyes open as he hungrily kissed Potter.

Potter broke the kiss, and pulled Draco up onto his hands and knees. With one hand, he caressed Draco's naked arse. Then moments later there was the cold feeling of lubricated fingers pushing into Draco. Potter thrust in and out with rough, urgent strokes, but they were quickly withdrawn to be replaced by the tip of Potter's cock. Draco cried out as Potter pushed without allowing Draco to adjust to the thickness. Pain shot through him and Potter gripped his hips tightly, pulling out and then thrusting back in. The bed rocked beneath them.

Potter gripped Draco more tightly with each push. The sensation of being filled again and again overwhelmed Draco to the point that his vision blurred. Dim light swam before his eyes, and a hand touched his cock. Draco was jerked and fucked until he came screaming with Potter buried deep inside. There were grunts and moans from Potter as he thrust a few more times before his own release finally overtook him.

The room was filled with the sounds of their combined panting. Draco collapsed onto the mattress, uncaring of the wetness from his orgasm. Potter pulled him in close, kissing him on the mouth, their legs and arms in a tangle. Potter reached up and brushed at Draco's damp hair. The room was hot now and the scent of their sex filled Draco's nostrils.

"All you needed was a decent shag," Potter whispered into Draco's ear. He licked at the shell lazily and purred. "Say you adore me."

Hearing those words sent a shock through Draco's body, but he didn't hesitate to repeat the words. It was true. Draco now knew he would do just about anything for Harry Potter and that knowledge terrified him to his deepest core.

A crashing sound coming from the outer room cut Draco short. Potter slid his glasses on and reached for his wand, but it was too late. The bedroom door flew open and hit the wall as shadowy figures fill the doorway.

"Lumos," several voices said at once and the room was filled with light. Potter had scrambled to put himself between Draco and the door, his wand raised at the ready. He stopped short at the sight of Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnigan.

The rage in Weasley's eyes grew. "This is why you quit your job?" he yelled at Potter.


harry potter, battlefields, fiction07, draco

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