I finally made it to the episode I've been most anxiously looking forward to watching. Episode 12 was a great episode.
First of all, the real Captain Jack is gorgeous. Not that Jack isn't, but they really chose a very attractive man to play the person who Jack took his name from.
So if Jack really isn't his name, what is and are we going to find out who he really is and where he's really from? Even if we don't, I don't mind. I really like the pace of the show.
I didn't expect Ianto to actually shoot Owen. I want to know how Ianto is important to Jack. I want to see them get it on! Here's hoping that happens in the future. I'm sure it's happening in fan fiction. So much goodness in this episode. Tosh smiling as she watches Jack and Jack dance. Jack's obvious hunger to tell Jack what's going to happen to him tomorrow. Jack's obvious hunger for the man who's identity he took on. Jack and Jack kissing. Seriously, one of the hottest kisses I have ever seen.
Just a couple of caps to show what sexy looks like.
More caps here.
Jack kisses Jack PS. The last episode was fantastic!
All of it was great, but this moment was my favourite.