The weekend

Jan 27, 2007 21:34

The book I was waiting for finally came in. We won 20 bucks gift card at work at xmas, and I was waiting for Best Gay Romance to come in. I got that and OK! magazine with the article about John Barrowman's wedding for free.

I have to get this one next month. Cornfield sex!

This week tv looks good.

Sunday - Dresden files 9 pm (no DH this week)
Monday - Heroes @ 9 pm
Tuesday - Veronica Mars @ 9 pm
Wednesday - The return of Bones yay! 8 pm
Thursday - The OC at 7 pm (I'm looking forward to this show), I guess I'll watch Smallville at 8 but I am not a fan of plot contrivance #2. After a while, it just makes me yawn. (just for the record Al Gough, stop saying everything is going to change with episode #[insert a number here] because nothing on this show ever changes), and always the show I most look forward to, Supernatural at 9 pm.

And I have two more Torchwood episodes to watch. I adore that show and I'm happy to hear they are making a second series, season or whatnot. As long as there is more Captain Jack and his merry band. I was also happy to hear he'll be guesting on Dr. Who.

Too much tv. I should start cutting shows. chop chop.

New Clark icon. He's so pretty.

books, tv, gip

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