I finished a graphic novel I borrowed from work called
It's a bird by Steven Seagle An interesting story and worth the read. I liked the idea of a writer being unable to think of a story for the Superman comic he's been commissioned to write because he can't relate to the character.
I also managed to watch episode 2 and 3 of Torchwood. I adore Captain Jack. He's fantastic. The other characters are interesting, but Jack is the one I want to know more about. I hear he's from some Dr. Who episodes. I may have to get hold of those to see where he started.
It's very annoying when my C key keeps falling off as I attempt to make a post. I haven't got the other laptop on, so I thought I'd use the new one. Tomorrow I'm taking it in to the shop to see if they can fix the key. I'm hoping they can fix it while I wait.
One of the stories I wrote for the
hd_holidays thingie was posted. It's here if you wish to read it.
A Slice Of Life - G