
Jan 12, 2007 11:47

Let's say I watched and didn't hate. Let's say I watched and thought it was pretty much up to Smallville standards...

First off. Lana is seriously the most self-centered bitch ever. When she goes to talk to Chloe it is all about her. No how are you. How is your life. Just jumps right into her me! me! me! shtick.

I didn't hate the episode, but I found myself not really caring about much of what happened. I don't care that Lana still loves Clark. I don't care that Clark still would like to be with her. It's boring, move on, but that will never happen because tptb are convinced this is what the viewers want to see. Let me set them straight.

What we want to see is this Lois, because I actually liked her for the first time since the first episode she was on the show. She wasn't bitchy or overbearing. She wasn't slamming on Clark (which I fucking hate and shows no respect for Clark at all and is not cute at all) and she was actually (dare I say it) kind of cute. Oliver is totally adorable, but he really wasn't much of a presence on the episode.

Clark playing Green Arrow was much too short for anything to sink in. Not even the kiss was interesting. The way Lois reacted was obviously what the episode was aiming for and I wasn't really interested. What ever. move along nothing to see here. *yawn* How is it that the kiss was so great when Clark's lips didn't even move the whole time.

The whole thing about secrets was interesting, because I've always thought that was a lot of what the show was about. Obviously because Clark is keeping the hugest secret ever. Poor Chloe seems to be the person everybody goes to and now she knows Oliver's secret. I'm sure she can keep it quiet. I just realised. Chloe must think that Clark is Green Arrow! That is what happened. I feel so silly for not seeing that right away.

The freak of the week finding out Clark's secret = totally boring. They've done it so many times now, I can't even react on an emotional level.

Forgot to say. The Lex tells Clark Lana is having his baby scene got almost no reaction from Clark. I should know since I capped the moment before and after and Clark's expression did not change at all. I deleted one of the caps since they were the same. I do have to give Lex credit for perfect timing.

The best scene hands down was Lex reading the Quote from the article, because that was the closest to clex we'll ever get on this show, and it was very hot to watch Lex say 'when I was with Clark, I wouldn't have hesitated for a second.'

The next best scene was Chloe's breakdown about keeping secrets and the hug Clark gave her. Chloe was awesome in the episode.

Tom was great. I love when Clark mopes. It's really cute on him, though Tom is a little old for those scenes. At this point, I really hope they will do more with Clark headed towards superherodom. It's what this show needs.

I feel truly sorry for Lex now that Lana has said yes to his proposal.

The truth is, Smallville will never get better. It will always be a mediocre show peppered with occasional moments of brilliance. Those moments are now few and far between.

ps Tori Spelling's chin is scary.


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