Mar 20, 2006 09:32
I check my site stats. And wow. Site is already over 3.5 gigs of bandwidth for this month! Go Draco!.
/draco/ 190,108 requests
You left Smallville in the dust my sweet, little not-that-evil boy.
It was also somewhat the PS brushes I made. I didn't think they were not great, but almost 400 downloads later not to mention those lips brushes are way past 600 downloads.
I was told by somebody that I would probably never need more than 1 gigs/month of bandwidth. Glad I got way more.
I am planning on putting together a page devoted to Harry. Something like 100 moments in Harry Potter's life. So, I wanted to ask what moments people would like to see captured. Let me know what you'd like to see, and I can attempt to fill the request. If there are no requests, I shall just pick them on my own. This could be fun.
Now seriously, I need to get some work done.