It's finished!!

Dec 20, 2005 17:25

Sorry to spam you all, but my story is finally all done and beta'd. I wanted to get it all posted and up before things got hectic. I am very pleased with Never turn your back on me. It's the first story I've ever written that feels completed and whole and finished. It could go on more and has loads of potential, but I decided to end it at part 30. I had a great time writing it. I wrote it after I'd read HBP because that was the idea the book gave me. After I finished the story, I decided to read the other books. I had seen the movies so had some idea of what had happened before but this particular story worked (at least I felt it did) without my having read the other books. Snape turned out much differently than he is in the books, but I'm still happy with how he turned out.

I am really enjoying having a new fandom. It's been so much fun so far and I hope that the muses will be kind to me.

Thank you all for your time and patience. Special thanks to off_that_bridge for her awesome beta job. She's just so awesome. I'd be lost without her.


I've put a full version up at my site that has all the parts on one page for easy printing or easier reading if you're not fond of reading off LJ.

Never turn your back on me


Thank you to the person who sent me an LJ gift certificate. I am thinking of getting a t-shirt. :) Has anybody ever gotten one? What are they like?

never turn your back on me, draco

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