
May 05, 2012 09:17

well )


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lexslave May 5 2012, 15:39:09 UTC
i think the writers were taking out their aggressions on the angels because so many fans wanted castiel back and they didn't for some reason. i personally didn't care BECAUSE of that fact, i was just too damn happy to see castiel in all his mishaness. :) (omg, cas in his hospital PJ's wearing the trenchcoat?!!? priceless. also love the whole sorry! game interaction too...) although i can't place where the eff i've seen cas' angel boyfriend before, AND his voice seems so familiar too, it's was bugging the hell outta me all last night. i must look today and find out where he came from.

also, dean is getting perilously close to S4 clark level ass hattery when it comes to cas. i'm blaming THAT on sorta the same clex thing, dean just can't deal with a broken angel, he needs cas strong & powerful to feed his daddy issues. i swear the parallels between my 2 otp's are so close it hurts. dean didn't even look like he effing cared when cas was getting his beating, SAM did!!! broke my heart into a million little pieces. meg earned my respect right then when she killed hester and said, "SOMEONE had to." *cough, hack ... DEAN!!*

i just hope the damn PTB realize that misha better not be going anywhere in S8. i HATED this season, especially with all the damn "girl!power episodes" crap they had going there at the end....

i even suggested during one of my rants on FB that once they killed the stupid ass leviathans, that it will be revealed that they were in a alternate plot hole universe or something, and they all wake up on the damn lab floor going, "whew, wasn't THAT a close one".... lol.

i just want things back to semi-normal... cas and bobby back with the boys, (who have acted so damn out of character this past season), IN the imapala... hunting things. :)

yeah, sorry bout the rantyness..... O.o


romeoambiences May 5 2012, 15:54:52 UTC
I hope you don't mind me jumping in here BUT

that once they killed the stupid ass leviathans, that it will be revealed that they were in a alternate plot hole universe or something, and they all wake up on the damn lab floor going, "whew, wasn't THAT a close one".... lol.

Oh, please, please, please.....can it all be a bad dream or something?


lexslave May 5 2012, 16:30:29 UTC
yes, it CAN be bad dream.....or something. ANYTHING that makes it right again. xD

*and jump in anytime. :)


lazy_8s May 5 2012, 19:57:33 UTC

Good points. Don't know why Dean is reacting so coldly. The part of me that despises Sera Gamble would like to blame it on her, as I do the abomination that was Soulless Sam. Gamble does tend to treat the plots as her own little fan fic at time. She probably hates Destiel. 'shrugs'

Ok, sorry for that. As for Sam, I so squeeed over his chat with Cas. Can't wait to read the fic that will be spawned over that scene.


lexslave May 5 2012, 23:55:02 UTC
As for Sam, I so squeeed over his chat with Cas. Can't wait to read the fic that will be spawned over that scene.

before last night, the mere thought of cas being with ANYONE besides dean was ultra taboo to me. i had bad, naughty thoughts of sam abusing cas, (with or without deans permission) as he never seemed to like him/was afraid of him/knew he was dean's, but, yeah, i guess they have that "brothers in arms" thing going on now..(the whole "we'll help get you better" "what do you mean, better?" lines actually teared me up, like ALOT).. but, still... dean is killing me lately. i can't understand...or refuse to....


lazy_8s May 6 2012, 04:25:29 UTC

I'm a Sassy girl(the horror, I know LOL), but I respect the Destiel love. It's not my cup of tea, mind you, but some of my best friends on LJ love this ship, so I never knock the bond of Castiel and his Charge.

As for Sam and Castiel, I was converted after watching their scenes in Season 5. And, then when Sam was praying to Castiel in the junkyard, I knew then that this pairing would always push my angst buttons. :)


lexslave May 6 2012, 14:00:22 UTC
i have lots of sassy friends too...*chuckle*. (it's better than het! THAT is horror...lmao)actually posted in my LJ last week that one of my very favorite scenes, if not THEE funniest of the series is between sam & cas. the "hello" exchange, right before the "profound bond" confession in third man. cracks me up, every. single. time. lmao.... effing sammy, so damn funny with his low mocking hellos...bwahahahahaaha...

and btw, the bad, naughty thoughts of sam abusing cas was a fic request as ;)

PS: sorry G_C for carrying on in your LJ over this....... <3 you!


lazy_8s May 6 2012, 15:59:01 UTC

Oh, don't worry. I love chatting about the TFW boys, in any permutation('waggles eyebrows') I don't write fic, but I love to read SPN slash fics. Going to friend you back. Can't wait to get your opinions, as we head to the finale. :)


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