This week, I read
Antimatter by Frank Close. Another great popular science book that is informative and an easy read.
We have to get a new car. The one we have is dying by slow increments. After 400,000 + km, it's amazing it lasted this long. Sucks to be us.
My son had his eyes checked and he needs glasses to see distance. Sucks to be him.
My writing goes slow these days. Sucks to be me.
Shows are great. MacGyver has been a wonderful watch. I am a bit mystified as to why I enjoy the show so much. I think it may be the fact that I can watch one episode and not need to commit to more if I do not wish to, or maybe I am growing senile in my old age and am developing crazy crushes. ;)
Season 4 of Farscape. Great stuff there too. I LOVE John Crichton. He is just so awesome. By season 4 all the characters have grown on me and seem so much more likeable, but he just plain rocks.
Understanding is a three edged sword. I wondered what that means but I think it means that there is your understanding, my understanding and then the truth.
I think I will be reading another science book. I wanted to alternate between science and fiction but I am so into the physics and science books right now that I don't want to stop. I want more knowledge. Need knowledge. Not sure what it will be, but I know it will be about string theory. Probably.