Stargate SG-1 - Bounty

Oct 22, 2010 23:55

Since I have no one else I can talk to about this, I shall babble here.

So this bad guy is sick of SG-1 always butting into his business, and calls out a bounty on the team.

They all go off to do their separate thing because they are not joined at the hips. Sam goes to show off science stuff at a science conference, Cameron goes to a high school reunion where Vala tags along, Teal'c goes off world to do some Teal'c stuff, and Daniel goes to some museum.

Wackiness ensues.

So Daniel is looking for a book on a shelf, minding his own damned business, (wondering what Jack's going to make for dinner that night) and some woman hits on him, only Daniel doesn't really notice. He's wondering what she really wants. He sort of looks around wondering who she's making puppy eyes at, and then kind of cringes as he walks away, (like he's thinking doesn't she know I'm gay). Then later, she is much more forward, so much so that even a guy as gay as Daniel notices, only he's all looking around again to see who the heck she's hitting on, because there's no one else around. And then she's all, hey stupid, I want to get in your pants, only Daniel doesn't buy it because hello! totally gay here, the clothes say it all. Not to mention the way he holds his pen.

Daniel's radar was on the money because it turns out she isn't hot to trot and doesn't want to get in his pants. She's a dah dah dah bounty hunter and she wants to kill him!

So Daniel runs away fast because he promised to pick up the wine on the way home and besides Jack would be pissed if Daniel went and got himself killed.

Then the mean lady threatens to kill a mom and her baby if Daniel doesn't go quietly, but wouldn't you know it, fate steps in an a bus smushes the lady killer.

I may have made a few things up in my own mind, but I think I still got the gist of this episode. Don't try to kill Daniel Jackson.

Seriously, shouldn't they be fighting the big bad who is threatening the galaxy? Although I don't object to Daniel in a leather jacket one bit.

ps: mr goth was not amused by my implying that Daniel's lack of interest in the woman who hits on him means he's gay. (the lack of interest isn't made up)

And then there were five. That is we have five episodes left to watch plus the movie. I have to admit, I'm losing interest in the show, but it is almost over and there have been some amusing moments. The characters are still fun some of the time, but I'm really for this puppy to be over. It was a great ride.

*screen caps from

stargatesg-1, gay

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