Link to my Dean/Castiel secret angel 3 story

May 09, 2010 20:47

Here is a link for now as I'm not sure when I'll be posting this to my own LJ. Author reveals are up. If you missed the stories and are in the mood for something go on over and take a look. 100 stories to please any Dean/Castiel shipper.

for stagemystic
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: spoilers up to 513.
Spoilers: Up to 513.
Word Count: 8,700
Notes/Prompt(s): Harking back to a classic - one of them gets mind-whammied and goes a little sex-crazed. I tried to incorporate some of the things you wanted to see like Wall-slamming, powerplay, BAMF!Castiel, and guest appearances from other characters. Thanks to V, A, and L for all their wonderful help. They made this story better. Remaining errors are mine. Supernatural belongs to Kripke.

Summary: Dean eyed the huge heart-shaped bed in the center of the room. On the nightstand beside the bed sat dozens of bottles of lubricant and packets of condoms..

Send me an Angel

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author tag

dean/castiel is love, fiction

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