
Mar 26, 2010 09:38

Poor Bobby! Mr. Goth's first reaction when we found out that Death was after Bobby was that Bobby is God's vessel. Yes? No? Maybe?

Best line hands down.

'Another horseman, must be Thursday.' Dean sounded so weary. Well acted on Jensen's part.

Good episode overall. I liked that we learned more about Bobby. He's the town drunk.

This must be a month or more after the last episode since Sam and Dean seem to have picked themselves up and moved forward. Which they have to do a lot in their line of work.

I thought that Misha was in the rest of the season, but I guess they didn't have a way to fit Castiel into the episode so they left him out. Which if fine because I hate when fans complain that he's been shoehorned into the show. He clearly is not.

In conclusion. I really liked this episode. Jensen and Jared both looked so beautiful. Their acting was fantastic. Frankly loved seeing them back. Break is over and I am so relieved. I can't wait for more.

pretty things

I love how clean metalicar is.

other moments I liked a lot.
Dean admitting he knows nothing about love.
The sheriff.
Bobby's wife. Great actress and made it hurt so much worse that she told Bobby to kill her.
Bobby. He's wonderful and this episode shows why.


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