so yeah. im in d wing pod. with laura. suppost to be in health. but the teachers locked us out. oh well. got english after this. eh. i cant be bothered going. i wanna send mum a msg saying come pick me up now but i dont think she would. eh. i can sleep. fucken hell theres still an hour left to go! *cries*
tobys coming over tonight. gotta go n pick
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im gonna sound like a total fuckwit bitch right now..but i have to say it before i bust.
1. leave me alone when im in a bad mood, cuz me being around people that are constantly saying "whats wrong?" and when i say 'nothin' as a hint for them to stop asking me they say "theres something wrong, whats wrong?". and when i bitch about it, you all just get cut at me. so i like just ignoring you all now.
2. why do you always say im pushing you away. am i not able to just hang out with some other friends for a day or something? just cuz we're friends doesnt mean im gonna hang out with you 24/7. i do have a like to be able to live it without you constantly saying im pushing you away.
3. you do need to have new friends.
cuz, hey, im a dickhead, im not gonna be around all the time ok? cuz i like hanging out with different people, and you dont. but i cant help that ok. so..either go and find other poeple to hang out with while im not around..or dont. but dont make me feel bad about having a life.
uh. yeah.
and just so you know, im not cutting sick at you, im just
i love you. ok?
and i mean that. but i need space.
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