[Intended to be private to Uhura but lol that didn't happen due to intoxication, so, GLORIOUSLY PUBLIC.]
[Iiiiiit's Kirk! Say hi, Barge.]
"Did you know that Spock left? Cause he didn't say anything to me.
Bones is right. He is a hobgoblin. I hope he stays on Enterprise forever, banished away from this amazing place with all of its adventure and fun." [Lol sarcastic voice.]
"Speakin' of Bones, don't talk to him about me. It's rude. It's--"
[Prefect's sitting beside Kirk, just SPYING ON IN on this journal entry making. HE INTERJECTS, HELPFULLY:] "I don't think you should be so mean about it. Like, instead of-- instead of telling her, then immediately talking about-- yourself... you should just, tell her, and then... stop. Telling her things."
[Shego sits up woozily to appear on Kirk's other side, holding half a bottle of God-knows-what and looking semi-conscious.]
"Izzat my journal? You fucking dweeb, givvit back."
[She makes a clumsy lunge across Kirk for it which upsets the camera angle a fair bit; Kirk does the mature thing and moves to hold it up in the air. So have a shot of the wall, Barge. Prefect sneaks a hand in and saves the precious booze, taking a healthy swig of it.]
"Did you really just say the phrase 'fucking dweeb'?"
"Duh. Because you are. You are a dweeb, and you're - you fuck a lot. So's'appropriate." [Shut up it makes perfect sense to her. She wrestles the communicator back off him and immediately loses her balance.]
"That. Is none of your bus'ness." [Kirk would make an innuendo if he was actually getting laid on a regular basis. BUT HE IS NOT AT THE MOMENT.]
"Oh like you haven't decided that my sex life is your business--"
"Would you give that back, I need to tell Uhura somethin'."
"I think" [Prefect says purposefully] "That probably it's for the best that you don't tell her-- tell... Comrade, does everyone have bed covers like these in the future?"
[Prefect has lost interest in your tomfool argument, and is now pulling your blanket over his head. Possibly with the intention of making a tent inside it. From under the blanket, comes a glugging sound. He took the booze with him.]
"Anything you tell her thissecond isn't gonna have very much....'thority after she's seen all this. Also, YOU SHOULD TELL HER YOUR STUFF ON YOUR OWN STUPID JOURNAL, NOT MINE." [Pause.] "But my journal isn't stupid."
"Fine but I'm pretty sure the message is still recording on yours." [Kirk is staring at the Prefect lump under his covers as he says this. Clearly this is more fascinating. There's some muttering and groping around the screen from Shego and then the screen goes blank. FOR NOW.]