Comment fic meme

Nov 23, 2011 21:02

Some members liked the idea of having a kink meme/comment fic meme on got_exchange, especially since the other ASOIAF/GoT kink memes are fairly dead at the moment. (It's only posted on the mod account journal because I don't want anonymous comments on the exchange comm.)

A couple of rules before we start:

- please include the pairing/character (and maybe a short prompt/kink) in the comment title - both for prompts and for fills.
- there are both show and book fans on this comm, so please warn for book spoilers in the comment title - I don't want unsuspecting show fans to stumble across "hurt/comfort after character XYZ died" when XYZ only dies in ASOS.
- anonymous comments are enabled, but I'd appreciate if we kept them to a minimum. If you absolutely want to go anon, okay, but I'd rather we kept this as non-anonymous as possible.
- all prompts are welcome: smut, gen, romance, fluff, angst, het, slash ... anything goes.
- and the usual: be civil, no character bashing, no kink shaming etc.

As with any kink meme, this is only fun if people also fill prompts, not if there are only requests.

Filled prompts:
Stannis/Jon, AU, Kingsguard!Jon: "His Grace is growing fond of you."
Jon/Val, AU, ADWD spoilers: "The Wall is cold before the battle."
Sansa/Petyr, book spoilers: "lie to me"
Stannis interacting with Shireen
Theon/Jeyne, ADWD spoilers: "When his master hurts her, he can try to take away the pain."
Jaime/Cersei: "I love him because he's the closest thing to me I can find, and I'm the only thing I truly love and understand."
A shared allegiance: Theon&Jon reunion, ADWD spoilers
Stannis/Davos: resolving their UST
Theon/Robb, AU, ACOK spoilers: "From this hoodlum skin / I can always run to him / Undeserved, capsized / In the gutters of his eyes"
Jaime/Brienne, post-ADWD: "(I'm in love with) the ugliest girl in the world" (NSFW)
Ramsay/Reek, spoilers past ACOK: non-con right after 'Reek' is brought to the Dreadfort
Stannis/Jon, AU: the rebellion never happened and Stannis took the black ( part 2 by a different author)
Stannis/Davos: dreams - part one: Stannis, part two: Davos
Roose/Walda: fluff
Jon/Sansa: "the last two standing"
Crackfic: In Which Puppies Are (Not) Made, Robb/Jon and cockblock!Ghost and Greywind
Petyr, spoilers for ASOS (not including the prompt in this list because it's spoilery in itself)
Arya/Gendry: years later, they meet again
Lysa/Petyr, ASOS spoilers: A Lady's Favour
Tywin/Kevan, hurt/comfort after Joanna's death
Someone Must Protect You: Jaime/Sansa, ASOS spoilers
Jon/Sam, show!verse
Robb, ASOS and AFFC spoilers (prompt is spoilery in itself)
Stannis/Davos, frottage because Stannis doesn't want to ~dishonour~ either of them
Stannis/Selyse: lying back and thinking of Westeros
Crackfic, ADWD spoilers: Tormund/Selyse (with Stannis and Jon guest starring)
Sandor/Sansa, AU, ASOS spoilers: the Hound has a bastard
Sansa/Tywin, AU, ACOK spoilers: Sansa has to marry Tywin
Crackfic: Stannis/Robb in a cheesy romance
Dreams are made of this: Robb/Myrcella, AU
Qarl/Asha, pre-series: consensual BDSM

Multiple fills are of course welcome. :)
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