Comment fic meme #6

May 01, 2013 17:30

Here's the post-exchange comment fic meme. The rules are the same as always:

- please include the pairing/character (and maybe a short prompt/kink) in the comment title - both for prompts and for fills.
- there are both show and book fans in this community, so please warn for book spoilers beyond ACOK in the comment title. Please also warn for non-con, violence etc.
- anonymous comments are enabled, so you can go anon if you absolutely want to, but I'd rather we kept this as non-anonymous as possible.
- all prompts are welcome: smut, gen, romance, crack, fluff, angst, het, slash, femslash ... anything goes.
- the usual: be civil, no character/pairing bashing, no kink shaming etc.

It's perfectly fine to reprompt ideas from the previous comment fic memes, the exchange or other kink memes. Check out the previous comment fic memes for the old fills, but please make sure you don't accidentally post new prompts on the old posts; nobody will see them.

As with any kink meme, this is only fun if people also fill prompts, not if there are only requests.

Victarion/Asha: To command, without commanding
Jon Connington/Rhaegar: and I fell

Have fun. :)
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