from training right now.
Gotens in the kitchen fixing lunch for us, then after we eat, we're going to get back to work. This coming week, Goten and I have decided that we're going to have a big breakfast in the morning, then do some intense training non-stop for 12 hours (or more if we feel like it), completely skipping lunching and having a really late dinner. Sounds like some vacation huh? lol. For a change of scenery, we've decided to go over to Greece to do this, it's been a while since we checked on our mansion over there anyway. So we're off to Greece tonight, and we'll be back next Sunday :)
I got my grades from my classes last quarter yesterday and I'm a bit miffed at my Intro. to Audio teacher right now, you know, the class I had last quarter. Well I got a 'B' or better on everything in there I did, granted I missed one quiz (not my fault I was sick) but he told me that if I did good on everything else I'd get at least a 'C' or a low 'B'. Well I didn't, I got a 'D', how the hell thats possible I don't know, but oh well. I e-mailed him and asked him what was up with that so we'll see what happens. Maybe I can get it changed.
Ah well, life goes on right? It smells like Gotens almost done with lunch so I'm going to get going now. See you all when we get back on Sunday! :)