The Ketchup Post.

Aug 26, 2010 20:58

In which I attempt to catch you guys up on what happened between Spring and right now.

School is looking shiny and new this fall, and I'm very, very excited about it. If I play my cards right, I should be wrapped up by mid-2011. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Most of spring was dedicated to working, working, working. I quit Greenpeace because of two physical attacks from people that I tried to stop (got pushed into a wall, then spat on, which apparently qualifies as a physical attack but does not give me a reason to punch someone? Oh well. I tripped him instead( and the fact that I am a certain kind of hippie - the kind that showers and does not enjoy eating falafel a billion times a week while getting all dank or whatever you kids call it. GP kids are alright, and they're fun to hang with, but my job was becoming my life and I couldn't stand that. Went back to Sephora after a week of unemployment, and I still hate it there. So, I've got an interview set up for a new job next week. Work, work, work.

I also spent spring hanging out with my friends and learning how to play bass, which I'm still working on. Spring led to summer, which led to Anime Expo 2010, which was amazing. I miss all my friends so much, and I'm so happy to have spent that weekend around so many wonderful people. The Beadles rocked the house, by the way, and we promise to do the same at ALA as well.

As you can tell, we spent most of this con in a constant state of drunk.


And this happened. (i drew this all by myself ma)

AX was supposed to be my last con for the year, but thanks to the combined efforts of Sonnya, Chris, Jack, and Jasmine, I ended up heading to Otakon with barely a week's worth of planning. Popped out a Nino costume (I LOVE IT SO MUCH) which was saved by Hatsuu (THANKS) and ran around being a hobo for a chunk of the con. Had lots of fun, overall, and got to hang with Liz, Ame, Chris, and Sonnya more often than usual, which was lovely.

There was a plan to move to California and it failed. Ah, well. Happens every year.

Outside of that, life has been all about rearranging my room, working on new songs, learning the bass, and planning the rest of this/next year, which looks something like this:

- (possibly) MisaCon, in which misadesu comes over and we get drunk/party/watch beatles stuff/play guitar/shop/eat a lot. Like old times. :D
- School

- Parents arrive on Oct. 8th, show them around town and have fun and avoid NYAF at all costs.
- Oct. 9th is Lennon's birthday, probably gonna spend most of the day at Strawberry Fields playing music until the parents drag me out, plan on taking them to a cool restaurant for dinner and maybe TSQ that night.
- Spend Oct. 10th in Frushing since the parents are staying in a hotel up there, show them weaboo stuff, see them off at the airport, head off to celebrate Liz's birthday, somehow stumble home (hopefully) drunk.
- School.
- If I somehow get the money, maybe going to see Rain?

- Uhhh school. More work. And school.
- maybe starting on cosplay for ala.

- CHRISTMAS! Ask parents to buy one-way plane ticket to California for ALA maybe hopefully so I don't have to pay the whole way!

- Ala

- Katsucon

- Birthdaydisneymegacon.

April, May, June:

Okay, okay, this is where I stop because this is the BIG trip next year. Since the California move bombed, I'm going to crash Captain's place for a while and just vacation in SoCal. This'll take place in between AX and SDCC. So, pulling a Hatsuu for a couple weeks and enjoying myself. Debating on whether or not I should sub-let, though it'd definitely save me some money. So, if anyone wants to come stay in my room in NYC for a month, gimme' a shout.

Either way, I'm excited for this trip. And after that? Ah, who knows. By then I should be out of school, so maybe I'll go off and make something of myself. Mayyyybe.

Agh, I go off on a tangent too easily on this thing. This is why I never post anymore!

At any rate:

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