I may have just invented the ultimate shoe...

Sep 26, 2003 19:24

...at least for me and my freaky, nefarious purposes.

I'm thinking a Doc Marten boot (possibly steel-toed) with Birkenstock insoles. Ooooh. It feels a little perverse, mixing punk and hippie style like that, but I think it could potentially totally rock my world, or at least my feet, which as usual are a little sore after a long day (more on that in a bit --- first, more on the shoes).

What gave me the idea, or why am I bringing this up now? Well, the Birkenstock store in Eugene is having a sale, and I was thinking of going to check it out, but of course I started out by doing a little research online, which led me to the insoles and arch supports section of the Birkenstock online catalog. A few months back (and I had to search through my old entries for about half an hour to find that link), I speculated that Docs with insoles might be the ultimate in work shoes, and now this idea. Oh me oh my.

Ok, now I am distracted by talking to pants_of_doom on IM (she says I'm a freak, but the shoes are not her only data point for this conclusion) so I'll rant about the work stuff later.

---19:45, regardless of what the time stamp on this is, and I first started writing at 7 PM or thereabouts.

shoes, penny, funny

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