So. If you were in charge of the James Bond movies, and you knew Pierce Brosnan was retiring from the title role, which of the following actors would you choose to replace him?
- Ewan "Obi Wan" McGregor,
- Jude "Gigolo Joe/Sky Captain" Law,
Eric "The Hulk/Troy" Bana?
They're trying to choose Eric Bana. Bleaugh. Say what you will of Pierce Brosnan, at least he's kinda fun to watch. The same is true of both Ewan McGregor and Jude Law. But Eric Bana? Dull. Can't act. Not even all that hot --- and again, let me remind you that the competition was Ewan "can I get naked in this movie like I did in Trainspotting and The Pillow Book McGregor and Jude "Gigolo Joe" Law? Did I mention Gigolo Joe? That whole movie (everybody's favorite twisted Kubrick/Spielberg hybrid A.I., for those of you just tuning in) should've been about Gigolo Joe, not that stupid whiny kid-bot. Rrrgh! Either Jude Law or Ewan McGregor easily has the style and flair and humor to pull off an entertaining James Bond. But maybe they were looking for the action movie resumé above anything else? Or maybe the giveaway quote in the article is the bit about how they want to update Bond for audiences who like the Matrix movies. Because I'd say Eric Bana's about at Keanu's acting level: blank. Whine, whine, whine.
Heh. While I'm ranting about Keanu, Jude Law would've made a much better Constantine.
But I've probably ranted enough displeasure about that already.