Tired and lazy.

Apr 30, 2004 10:59

So yesterday, because I am insane, I got up at 6 AM to wake up theshytiger so we could drive pants_of_doom to the Portland airport, then drove back home, got changed, and rode my bike to work for about 9 hours. In my professional opinion, the nooner shift (from anywhere between 11 AM and 12 PM until far too late) can suck it. The 2 PM till far too late is okay, though, which is weird, but whatever. It probably would've been less sucky if I hadn't been so damn tired, but still. I cut myself minorly around 2, had a nosebleed during my second break, and cut myself badly enough that I had to leave the line and bandage it up three times before it was under control enough to keep my blood out of the food (I only dripped on one tortilla and I threw it out right away, of course --- and this has certainly been my week for bleeding in the food, what with my nosebleed on Sunday right as I was about to leave, which forced us to throw out a whole tray of potatoes... blech. I typically get nosebleeds when it's very dry and/or when I'm dehydrated, and I know it's hot and dry on the line, but this is ridiculous.) By the time I got home, mere moments after nedthealpaca and stereotype441 arrived to crash on our floor en route to the Humboldt Juggling Festival, which is this weekend, I was only barely human. So I washed my filthy exhausted body and went to bed.

Today I am resting and being nice to myself and pondering the chocolate cheesecake recipe in The Vegetarian Epicure, Book Two, which Penny insisted I buy when we were at Smith Family earlier in the week (I also got The Vegetarian Epicure and The Door in the Hedge by Robin McKinley). I'll probably do laundry at some point, since my sock and underwear drawers are both pretty empty, BUT most importantly of all, I'm going to fill out an application to cook for Sundance Natural Foods! I'm so excited! We went on Monday for balsamic vinegar and some other good things, and they had an ad posted saying they were looking for people to cook for their hot foods bar and for their ready-made food items like hummus and dolmadas and desserts and more and oh pick me pick me pick me I say! And they gave me a job application and it's so delightfully hippie, with a little manifesto-poem on the front page about what it means to have meaningful work, and sections not just about why I want to work at Sundance and what I want to be doing in a year but also a blank doodle space like what we used to put on the sponsor forms at Mudd, and oh pick me pick me pick me I want to play organic-style and not with raw meat like I had to prep for what felt like entirely too long yesterday! I have to move kinda fast on that since there were two jobs posted on Monday and by Wednesday it was down to one, but I can do it! Go me! (Yes, this could bring me up to three jobs, maybe four if you count my attempts at freelance writing though I won't until I get paid, but since money's a little tight right now that doesn't matter and the more excuses I have to quit my tutoring job, the better, really.) But first I think I will have some lunch.

mudd, freelancing, laundry, hippies, sundance, work, tutoring, portland, health, allison, penny

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