HMD and Permissions

Aug 07, 2011 00:02

How's My Driving?
Feel free to leave a comment regarding how I play Remus Lupin of the Harry Potter series!

Alternatively, contact me at dolecup on AIM if you would like to chat.


4th WALL BREAKING: Maybe. Minor 4thwalling, making allusions to the Harry Potter series without indicating that it is fictional is okay. Please do not explicitly tell Remus anything he doesn't already know in his timeline--that is to say, don't mention that his friends die, don't mention that Sirius goes to Azkaban, don't mention that he eventually teaches at Hogwarts and meets James and Lily's famous son Harry Potter. Thank you! If you're unsure about anything, feel free to ask.

BACK THREADING: Yes, always.

MIND READING: The only thing I ask is that you don't learn about the werewolf thing. It's his most fiercely guarded secret, and it's not something I want getting out right away.
SPECIAL/MAGICAL ITEMS: I'm not sure what this means, haha, so let me know ahead of time!

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: Remus is extremely capable with his wand. In a fist fight, he's not terrible--he's a boy with roughhousing friends, after all, and a werewolf--but you could probably sit on him. I dunno. He's sort of non-confrontational, but has a wiry sort of strength.
INJURY/DEATH: No death, please! Small injuries are fine (minor cuts, bruises, etc). Please run any major injuries by me.
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: Like I said, Remus is a werewolf, which means that if he's on planet or something and under sway of the moon cycles, he gets very sickly and exhausted, and post-transformation he's usually very injured and drained. Appearance-wise, he's got some nice scars running across his face (caused by himself, during a transformation) and a faded bite scar on the side of his abdomen (from the initial bite). He's actually quite covered in scars, really. He also looks permanently tired, pale, and probably too skinny.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: Not interested in romance, thanks!
SEXUAL RELATIONS: Like I said, not interested, sorry!
PHYSICAL CONTACT: Sure? He's not quite comfortable with it though, outside of his friends.

ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: No sexual abuse please. Also, I'm really not comfortable with mutilation. Thank you!


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