Nov 08, 2008 21:46
I really do like living at the new place. Only a couple little things that irk me. My shower is a lot like the one at Cameron Court. If I just barely turn the cold water on a TINY bit more than that hot water it gets really cold. So its really hard to find that comfortable spot in the shower. Also, the walls are so thin here. If Im upstairs here, and Ryan is downstairs, I can hear him pushing buttons on the controller. I can also hear our neighbors TV.. they also like to hammer at 1 am. Good times. I came out to my car the other morning, it was parked in front in one of our 2 designated spots, and there was coffee all over my drivers side of the car. I was in a hurry so I left it and cleaned it after work. The thing was, it was still wet, if it would have happened the night before it more than likely would have dried and gotten a tiny bit sticky. I had to park in the lot up at the top of the complex last nite because I got in late and I came out this morning and there was a damn Bojangles cup on my car. WTF? I got mad and sat it on the curb, when I got home this afternoon it was gone. I was planning on taking it in with me, but someone had beaten me to it and probably thought I was littering. Anyway who does that? I mean that parking lot is the Methodist Blah blah blah Something or Another overflow lot... not too ghetto, so I was kinda thrown off that it was a Bojangles cup... Id prefer no cup at all tho.. Ugh Anyway, If something happens to my car tonight Im getting a cover for it. Like a tarp or something. Tonight when we got home from the gym someone is parked in our not numbered spot that Peyton or I usually park in, and they were literally on the line, and Ryan made me get out before he even parked in it because even I was too small to get out of the car because there would be barely any space. Neither of us have seen this car before so we're kinda curious, but we think its the coffee neighbors friend. I just got one hell of a workout at the gym, holy crap. Im going to be SO sore tomorrow. My abs were still sore from a couple days ago, and Ryan made me work them again. I feel good tho. GO ME!! wewt.