licenseartistic August Prompt: Wine (House/Wilson friendship) 239 words

Sep 30, 2006 16:57

1. Title / Prompt: Wine Galsses /Wine
2. Character: Dr Greg Hosue, and featuring Dr James Wilson
3. Warnings: Mild swearing
4. Pairings: House & Wilson strong friendship
5. Your character's fandom: House, MD
6. Word count: 239
7. Rating: Average
8. Disclaimer: Drs Greg House and James Wilson belong to David Shore and Bad Hat Productions, and are written here for entertainment only.
9. Notes: Takes place after the Vogler fiasco, specifically after "Babies And Bathwater"
Cpmments/RP welcome.

Foreman and Chase left within minutes after Cuddy, leaving House and Wilson alone in the office. Wilson poured the last of the wine from the bottle into the two glasses they had been using, tipping House's glass a little fuller than his own. House acknowledged the gesture with a tilt of his head as he reached for the glass. He didn't chug it the way Cuddy had, but drank it in slow sips to savor the taste.

"You think she's really mad at me?" House's bright eyes shifted toward the door.

Wilson leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the edge of House's desk. "Yeah, Ace, I think she is."

House looked down into his wine glass as if studying it. He sloshed the liquid around, splashing a few drops on his thumb. He liked it off his hand andsighed. "She'll get over it."

"The guy was a jerk, I'm with you there, House," Wilson started, but fell silent. Vogler took with him a substantial chink of money, money the hospital could really benefit from. Was getting rid of the tyrant worth losing a hundred million dollars? Wilson hadn't had time to process it all, but he thought maybe it was. Princeton-Plainsboro was a successful hospital, losing Edward Vogler's endorsement wasn't going to take the hospital down.

House met Wilson's gaze. The two shared a silent nod, and a simultaneous draining of their wine glasses.

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